Well Hello Hot Guys

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Beep....Beep...BEEP! "AHH!" I yelled as I rolled off my bed on accident from trying to reach my alarm. I hit the floor with a thud and let out a loud groan while I laid face first in my rug. It was actually quite nice, and I would've fallen asleep right then and there if my alarm hadn't kept going off.
    "Shuuut UP!" I yelled while I sat up and slammed my hand on the button to turn it off. I was lucky I didn't break it from the force I used......let's just say this wasn't my first alarm clock, nor will it be my last.
Dragging my heavy, sleep deprived body from the floor and towards the closet.   I pulled on some ripped skinny jeans and a dark blue cropped hoodie. The tattoo on my left side was visible along with my abs. I wasn't super strong or buff, but I was fit from genetics, and my love of swimming.
    I looked at myself in the mirror, checking over my tan skin, braiding my multi-shaded blue hair, and looking at my shining blue eyes. "I look presentable, I guess" I shrugged then walked out of my room into the living area of my shared apartment. I went into the kitchen to make something to eat and it dawned on me....we suck at being adults, referring to the lack of food in our fridge and pantry. I also took note of our cat, Johnny, begging for food that we, as a matter of fact, do not have either.
    "How about you wake Ava, okay?"  I say while leaning down and petting him. He purred in return and ventured off to disturb my lovely roommate.
    As this was going on, I started making a shopping list and saw some sticky notes on the fridge, one saying that it was trash day and the other saying that Ava had an interview. As I was doing this, I could hear Ava yelling at Johnny and stomping around her room. I continued to write a list until she came out of her room, very grumpy.
    "Mornin' sunshine." I said teasingly as she glared holes though my head, but I just smiled back.
"C'mon, you need to take out the trash, then go to your interview. I'll walk with you and ask you questions, then I need to go to the store. Johnny needs food." I said while tilting my head and looking at her with a fond smile as she put a piece of pizza in the cat's food bowl apologizing to him. I shook my head and picked it up.
    "He'll be fine until I get some more food, now let's go." She nodded as I set the bowl on the counter and she grabbed the trash. 
    Right as I opened our apartment door, I was met with the face of our landlord, a guy who just so happened to have a huge thing for Ava.
"Heeeyy, Jake" I said while staring at him with narrowed eyes. I'm not a big fan of him. It's not that he's a bad guy, it's just that his constant hovering gets annoying.
"Listen, just ask her out already, she'll say no but at least it'll be over with." I whisper in his ear while I pat his shoulder.
Then Ava walks out, questions why were the only tenants he asks personally for rent then walks past him, joining me In the elevator.

I asked her interview questions as we rode down to the lobby. I continued to as we walked to the trash can.
When we got there Ava threw the trash in and then both of us saw a group of guys in cosplay in the alley. Except none of them looked to good and one was passed out.....one was passed out!
Ava asked if they were alright and they started glaring at us. She was going to keep asking them questions, but I cut her off my running in front of her over the guy who was passed out.
"Oh my god, he's not breathing! Ava, he's not breathing!" I said while I kneaded next to him, freaking out. Soon after she ran over and joined me.
"Give him cpr!" I looked at her like she was insane, I don't know how to do cpr.
"I don't know how!"
"Just try!" I was a full blown panic, but listened. I climbed over the black haired male, straddling him as I started chess compressions. Then I leaned down and slowly kissed him, breathing twice into his mouth.

I kept doing this while the other guys started talking. I probably could have heard what they were saying if I wasn't totally feaked out right now, the out of no where I felt something grab me by the back of my shirt and throw me backwards. I hit the concrete...hard.

"What are you doing!? Y/n!" Ava yelled out, trying to go to me, but the same person that threw me picked her up by the front of her shirt, holding her in the air. As this was happening, the guy I was resuscitating started coughing, breathing again.
"Thank god..." I mumbled out a sigh of relief, my head starting to spin though.

"Let me go or I'm calling the cops!" Ava yelled to the guy holding her, then another one said something rather odd.
"She's calling in reinforcements, evasive maneuvers!" When he did this, the guy holding Ava pulled out a sword, an actual sword!

"No! Don't touch her!" I yelled while trying to stand, but my head was ringing.
Then the same guy said something different.
"Peaceful, evasive maneuvers!"

The guy literally hung Ava on a tree by her shirt, I mean that's better than the sword but still not good.
Also, at this point I was laying on the ground, my head was absolutely ringing and my vision was going blurry.

I couldn't tell what happened after that, but when I regained consciousness, the alley was empty, aside from Ava, who was still in the tree.

"A-Ava" I said while slowly getting up. I had the worst images migraine and I could tell that my entire arm was scarred from the pavement.

"Y/n! Get me down from here!" She says while thrashing around.
"I'm....trying" I mumble while stumbling over to the tree. Once I got there, I tried to reach for the branch but I also happened to be a short potato. As I was trying  to get her down, I heard her say something.
"Oh no..." I turned around to see what she was seeing and we both said the same thing at the same time.
"Beautiful men..."

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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