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Cold air blew on her face  as she sat on the  railing of the rooftop. Looking at the pretty sunset view unfolding infront of her but the tears that rolled down her cheeks says it other way.

What are you doing here?

His voice... Am i hearing things again?

Just.... Enjoying the view. Her voice broke between sobs.

Come down!!

She was pulled by a force as she landed in the floor.

You told me to go away.... Why...... Why are you here now?

Well sign these. He said throwing a file of papers to her.

Divorce....papers? Her voice barely above a whisper.


A couple of year before

All dolled up sitting infront of the mirror as she stared blankly at her reflection.

Here you are! Omo!!..... Look how's my daughter looking so pretty~  Her step-mother Yumin entered her high pitch voice annoying her. She took out her phone clicking photos her. You're father will be so happy when he sees you.

Why are you here?..... Mother... The words almost stuck on her throat.

What a pleasant day to hear it Yn ahh~ Her voice darkened you remember what I said. Right?  She placed her hand on her shoulder from behind leaning down looking at Yn in the mirror. No talking back, No disobeying, No crying infront of him... Yn repeated.

It was her words that's slowly poisoning her mind.

That's my good girl. Yumin patted her head and went away from the room leaving her alone with her thoughts as she continued to stare down on her lap.

That's all right? Now... Everything will be fine right?

She cheerfully smiled to herself which didn't reach her eyes all for a mere show in the name of wedding.

It's time for the bride to show up.. Yumin told her as Yn corrected her dress and went to the walking aisle. Her father holding her hand. Her eyes blankly staring at someone through the veil... Who she wished she would never see again.

Jeon Jungkook

He stood there a slight smirk playing in his lips. She just walked to him her face pale and blank. Smile... Her father ordered her from her side. As a doll they raised a small, forced smile rested on her lips.

As she stood infront jungkook her father gave her hand to jungkook. She got anxious. She looked around and felt the sudden urge to revive her hand from his grip. But him knowing her held her hand tightly.

Mr.Jeon do you , take , Ms.Min , as your  lawful wedded wife , to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death.

I do...

Ms.Min do you , take , Mr.Jeon , as your  lawful wedded husband , to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death.


Why...is it him again?


Min Yn: A famous artist who portray feelings through her paintings.

Jeon Jungkook: A rich buisness man.


The rest of the story will be in the past...

I'm sorry if there is any grammatical mistakes or if there is any other mistakes Comment those I'll surely fix it.

This story may contain some triggering and some what things that can be worser....

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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