The Gargoyle Gala

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January arrived, bringing with it the fresh promise of spring, blending winter's final breath with the vibrant anticipation of new beginnings. And with it, Gotham was abuzz in preparation for one of the most awaited events of the year—the Gotham Gargoyle Gala.

It had been six months since the festival's grand announcement, and the sheer scale of the event had sent waves of excitement through Gotham and Metropolis alike. A two-week-long celebration was planned, ensuring that students, tourists, and residents alike could immerse themselves in the magic. This wasn't just any ordinary festival—it was a grand cultural exchange, a chance for both cities to showcase their distinct identities while celebrating their shared history.

In Gotham, the atmosphere felt lighter than usual. Gone were the shadows of fear and gloom, replaced by an eager, almost contagious excitement. Classrooms transformed into art studios and creative battlegrounds. Students, fueled by endless coffee runs and boundless energy, painted elaborate murals, crafted towering paper gargoyles, and assembled costumes that mirrored Gotham's iconic architecture. Paint splatters and glitter coated desks, walls, and students alike, the chaotic remnants of their creativity visible in every corner.

The spirit of the festival spilled beyond school walls, flooding the streets with bustling activity. Every alley, rooftop, and park seemed touched by the Gala's influence—shop windows featured gargoyle figurines, musicians practiced in the open, and artists painted banners celebrating Gotham's gothic history and iconic skyline. Even Wayne Enterprises unveiled special sponsorships to support local businesses, adding to the event's prestige.

Hotels throughout Gotham filled within days, with Metropolis residents flocking across the river to experience Gotham's charm firsthand. The city's bridges and tunnels thrummed with life, ferrying people eager to take part. Metropolis schools coordinated to secure temporary accommodations for their students, ensuring no one would miss the chance to experience the unique celebration.

As the Gala approached, Wayne Manor and Agnes' Mansion was preparing for their roles in the festival. The Waynes and Lady Agnes had agreed to host one of the grand balls during the event, a glamorous night that promised to bring together Gotham's elite, visiting dignitaries, and perhaps even a few masked vigilantes sneaking a dance or two. Y/n, already adjusted to her new role as Grim, found herself caught between preparations at the manor and balancing her vigilante work in the city. Estelle, always by her side, ensured everything ran smoothly, though not without her fair share of teasing.

By the time the first day of the Gala arrived, Gotham was almost unrecognizable. Streets were adorned with twinkling lights and banners, and statues of gargoyles—both real and crafted—lined the festival grounds. Food stalls and street performers filled the air with music and mouthwatering aromas, drawing curious crowds at every turn. It was a Gotham that few had ever seen: alive, welcoming, and bursting with life.

The first week of the Gotham Gargoyle Gala was a whirlwind for the students, filled with elegant gatherings and exclusive events. Formal attire was required every day—tailored suits, gowns, and polished shoes, with students' ID badges swinging from lanyards over their chests to ensure access to restricted areas. The sight of glimmering chandeliers and polished marble floors quickly became the norm, but the energy remained electric as everyone buzzed with excitement.

It was a time of mingling, sneaking into VIP corners, and playful antics—the kind of moments where students could bond and create stories they'd tell for years. And on one such occasion, the group welcomed Jon Kent, Damian's oldest friend and honorary member of their circle.

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