Chapter Five (Alana)

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I cleaned up quickly and jumped in the shower and by the time I threw on a tank top and shorts, Sarah Cameron was already standing in my living room while her brother left nothing but a cloud of dust kicked up from the tires of his back in my front yard.

"My brother accidentally ran over the bush with the yellow flowers." She confesses softly. "I'm really sorry, he said he'll replace them."

I laugh when I peek out the window to see what she's talking about. "Sarah, those were dandelions. John B was supposed to start the yard work last weekend but he got sidetracked. They're just weeds and not the smokable kind."

Sarah laughs and we both plop down onto the couch. "Dude, how is your house cooler than mine right now and we both have no power?"

"John B hooked up the generator so the fridge is good and some of the fans work. And the breeze from the water totally helps too." I explain while reaching for the remote for the TV and then I remember John B didn't hook that up to the generator. Placing it back down slowly onto the coffee table. "Sorry.. Not much entertainment until the power is back for certain."

"Don't worry about it. I helped clean the beach up today and then didn't even get into a fight with Rafe even though I totally thought my Dad was going to kill him."

Sarah's brother Rafe has always been an asshole. He pretends he has no idea who I am whenever I've been at their house which has been only a few times but he'll walk into the room we're in, keep staring down at his phone, and wave a hand up and say something like "Hey Sarah's friend" or "Don't get Pogue dirt on the furniture" which I don't even understand what that means aside from the fact it's a dig at me for being a Pogue.

"Tell me more."

I stand up and go to the fridge and grab the pitcher of sweet tea that I made. Putting two glassed from the cabinet onto the counter and then filling them with the ice that John B hasn't used on his face yet. Two glasses of sweet tea in my hands now as we head for the door and go to sit on the dock.

Sarah and I always sit on the dock to talk about personal shit. We say that our stresses just float away and off into the water. Dad taught me that when I was younger and the funny thing is her dad told her the same thing too. Discuss your worries by the water and they'll float away. If they're a heavy burden they'll sink to the bottom of the ocean and sit there where it belongs. All that matters is you don't hold onto it anymore.

"Well, Rafe just got that new bike." Sarah says as she takes a sip from her glass. "Which he's not supposed to have because that money he bought it with was the money Dad gave him to get the backup generator so we could have power in the entire house and not just a section of it."

My jaw drops. And I thought John B was bad with not keeping up with chores. At least when I make extra cash from babysitting or helping Kie's parents I know I can trust John B to get bills paid with it.

The only time any extras appeared in the house would be extra food or extra cases of water that John B got with his own extra money from working for Ward Cameron which now apparently has come to a halt because he got fired for "stealing" but I know Sarah didn't rat him out. Someone else clearly did and he's just looking to place easy blame.

"And now he's off probably blowing more money on stupid shit. Probably some pills or coke or something to get him through Dad being pissed at him. Which is completely justified by the way." She adds.

I nod along and then sip my drink. "Does yours taste funny?

Sarah makes a face and I know she's about to tell me yes. She takes a small sip and I do the same and we both dump the glasses into the water. "Damn it, John B!"

WILD RIDE (Rafe Cameron x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now