Chapter 1 Wedding Day

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Orko was very excited and nervous today he was going to marry Dree Elle the love of his life. He was very nervous and worried about it. But also very excited. He was busy getting ready. "Orko hold still your scarf needs to be on straight," his buddy Squonge said who was helping him get ready.

"Thanks Squonge," Orko said. "I am so ready for this," he said.

"I know you are ready for it," Adam said. Adam was helping out. "You look sharp little buddy," he said.

"Thanks I am also so nervous," Orko said. "This is a big moment for Dree Elle and I," he said. "I just want to be ready for it." he said. "I am happy, excited and nervous too," he said.

"You just got butterflies in your stomach," Man at arms said.

"Yes with really big wings," Orko said nervously. "I hope everything turns out alright," he said. "I am so nervous and worried," he said.

"I know you are we all do," Adam said. "Just take a deep breath and try to relax and we are all here for you," he said.

"Thanks Adam," Orko said. "Now let's get to it," he said.

Now that Orko was ready he had to wait for Dree Elle to finish getting ready.

Soon it was time for the wedding to begin. Orko was at the altar and ready to go. He was nervous and soon saw Dree Elle. She looked so beautiful. Orko forgot about being nervous. He watched her come down the aisle and joined him. The High muck muck was presiding over the ceremony. "We are all gathered here today to celebrate the union of Orko and Dree Elle," the High Muck Muck said. "Now it is time to join these to sweethearts in marriage," he said. "Orko do you take Dree Elle as your wife to love in good times and bad times and bond your magic to hers for as long as you both shall live?" he asked.

"I do," Orko said.

"Dree Elle do you take Orko as your husband to love in good times and bad times and bond your magic to his for as long as you both shall live?" the high muck muck asked.

"I do," Dree Elle said.

Then the veil dropped around Orko and Dree Elle. "Now show faces and kiss," the high muck muck said. "Now pronounce you Trollan and wife," he said.

Orko and Dree Elle kissed after showing faces. Everyone watched as there was a glow from behind the veil as their magics joined each other. They were all so happy. Then they covered their faces.

Then veil came back up and everyone was very happy. All of the Trollans and people were dancing and having a fine time. Everyone was very happy during this occasion.

"Orko we are so happy for you," King Randor said.

"Now I hope you two enjoy your honeymoon," Queen Marlena said.

"We will," Orko said. "We are very happy we will be spending two weeks together," he said.

"Yes and once we get back we will get our room ready for the two of us to live here," Dree Elle said. "This is a very happy and wonderful day," she said.

"I am the happiest Trollan alive," Orko said holding Dree Elle close.

"And I am the luckiest girl in the universe," Dree Elle said.

Then they got ready to leave on their honeymoon. Everyone watched as they left. "Bye see you soon!" they said.

Orko and Dree Elle waved good bye and were soon going be home in two weeks.

To be continued.

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