This story is a tie-in with a YouTube series on the Legend-Verse Pictures channel called City of Timores, which takes place in Culustra City, better known as the City of Fears. While the stories do connect at several points (and likely will more so later on, as both stories progress), they both generally stand alone just fine. If you want to know more about the world (or just want more of my storytelling), then you can go to the Legend-Verse Pictures YouTube channel for that.
While this is an original series, it is also filled to the brim with references to other pop culture media. If you think you've caught any, feel free to point them out in the comments! It can be a little game if you want.
Lastly for now, the quality of the narrative could very easily not be the best, and for that I apologize in advance. I'm still learning how best to write a story! So please, feel free to give me constructive criticism. I would love to learn new things on how to write better stories, so any advice or notes that you have would be greatly appreciated. That is not an invitation for hate, however. You can feel how you want about my work, but if you just want to hate on me and what I've created, please keep it to yourself unless you have advice on how to improve those things.
I hope you enjoy!
City of Witchcraft
अलौकिकCity of Witchcraft is a collection of short stories taking place in a shared universe in Cantrix City. While there is some overlap in stories and recurring characters, other short stories are there to stand alone. This story has a second half on the...