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There she stood the most beautiful creature he had laid eyes on in a while, there in the room with another man on the piano. She had a sheet of paper, she was singing that beautiful voice captivated him it stopped him dead in his tracks and he stood there like a deer in headlights, there in the door frame he stared at her.

This wss of course till his attention was cut from her from the closing of the door between his gaze and her, snapping him back to the reality he left for a few moments. He blinked a few times turning to the hostess who had been giving him a tour of her estate, a giant statue caught his attention next a curly haired man with a fair face it was her prized possession (besides the man that inspired it).

Drawing his attention from it he complimented his host on her lovely abode even though he despised it, he got a wrong feeling from this woman from this house, it twisted his stomach in all different directions and why wouldnt it? He wasnt just visiting someone new, this woman had been known by his father and knowing his father nothing good came from that mans hands. She would go on to boast about her palace and he would follow and let her, he wanted to know more about this woman not because he actually cared but because of his father why out of everyone he has ever made contact with had business with, she is the important one.

He heard his father long ago, tell his brother she was never to be absent from his business Thomas would cut that wire shortly but he couldnt go off feeling alone he "needed" a reason even though he had one, not like he owned the business or anything. Still as he followed the woman who spoke so fondly of her decorative walls and Thomas stared at the patterns and pictures covering them though he had noticed how unkept wverything was, though his mind would faintly wonder to the woman from before, and the more he had thought of her the more he shifted to the dark haired man with her playing the piano, the way he played like he could care less about sounding perfect had that been why his host shut the door on him? The feeling the other man portrayed to him only gave him more reason to not like this woman, if it weren't for his playing alone.

At the end of this tour he felt relieved to escape this suffocating place, it was overstimulating with how much dirt came from it, but still he thanked her for her hospitality and bid her a farewell making quick haste from the property, he would return home feeling tainted. Walking through his crowd of books to his study he sat down looking over the old worn papers that once belonged to his brother, all those years ago.


Thomas was furious, his brother had just returned home with a new wife and their father had now planned to give everything to Thorin, after being promised his business it wasnt getting the business that was the problem it had been his father the man hated Thomas since he was born, only wanting one boy and girl he was never supposed to happen but a night full of wine always lead to accidents.

But now Thorin his brother was being given it all because he had a wife as if the man couldnt write them a check every month every week if he wanted no. No he wanted his only son to have everything, Thomas was more than fit to inherit it he was more capable than his brother his ignorant searching for love brother (he'd bite his tongue later for that.) Thomas cursed them not openly, he couldnt just crumble their world to nothing but the way his hands itched with the movement to do so.

That was one of the first fights he'd have with his father, storming into the study he sat in now yelling at his father of course his father kept a calm state until Thomas demanded that the business still go it him Thomas may have been powerful but he was unfortunately still horrified of his father. He had left the study shaking hands dancing like lights in the sky as they ached to cause this man pain but he could never bring himself to go back and go through with it, so Thorin had gotten the estate, the money business it all because of his idiot wife.

That night was also another visit from his sister..a long slow and agonizing night.


Thomas jolted up from the large desk when a tremble in his hands this is how he usually woke up, only think was he didnt remember falling asleep. He was notorious for over working himself so it didnt surprise him or cause suspicion, gathering up the papers of deeds and payments he stashed them away where they always went with a locked drawer. He got up rubbing his face in exhaustion as he made his way through the once clean house, now covered head to toe in books all besides a few rooms he would never enter again, as he passed them he couldnt remember them anymore but he could recall a time where he could see them judt by closing his eyes. All but his mothers, he remembered hers as if it were etched inot his irises but then again he looked in that room from time to time, wanting to remember the domestic times with his mother, sister and brother but all were stained with hate and a cold chill in that room.

That room had stayed cold no matter the time of year or day, it was freezing after finding her dead in the middle of the floor her beautiful blue dress clashed with her blue lips and red slit neck, they were never to speak about it. Thomas blamed his father for what happened, he believed his father was a killer he would kill him next he had no reason to suspect their father but not even in the privacy of their house were they allowed to even faintly whisper the name of their mother.

A'melia had be a gorgeous woman a Latin woman born to be ther perfect wife, which she was it was funny how she didnt match her ethnicity some believed she would lighten her hair to a beautiful bright orange byt not she had always had it that way, she never cut it and knew how to style it so preciously, her features were soft you would wonder how such a goddess fell in love with a demon such as their father.

Hella inherited that beauty all the same fair soft skin pale but the dark hair and cruelty came from her father. It was a wonder how a man that came from nothing had earned everything and gained a beautiful wife and family, becoming so horrible to his son.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16 ⏰

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