Author's Note.....

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This is really hard for me to just go out and say, but I guess I'm giving it a shot right now. As of now (and actually for over what has been a long time), I'm really not sure what to do with this fanfic and really don't want to continue it.

I know that a lot of you might be pissed at me, and I don't blame you. But that's the thing. I never expected there to be so many of you, and the more of you there has been, the more self conscious I've gotten because I just feel like this is so shitty. And it is.

Don't Ruin a Perfect Thing hasn't been the best I can do with my writing ever since practically the moment I started it. At times, yeah, but it's just not as good as I want it to be and after a while this whole thing has become a mess. Whenever I think of this fanfic I think of shitty chapters, half-assed descriptions, plot holes, and random drama because I had no idea which direction I've wanted to go in. It's literally gotten to the point where I hate myself for it, feel like crawling into a hole and dying whenever somebody brings it up. I'm feeling that right now, even, writing this.

I've felt this way for a while, longer than I've acknowledged it. I kept telling myself that I had to update because of you guys, who somehow actually read this garbage. But then my updates started taking longer and longer. I know what I want to do with this and yet I have the worst writer's block and don't feel like it's worth it to continue. Whatever creative spark I had months ago that made me start this mess has been long gone.

So what now? I don't want to be one of those people who just decide to delete their fanfiction without even that much of a notice, even though I would like to delete this. If it's to the point where I loathe myself for it so much that I haven't been able to update for months, shouldn't I be entitled to? I've been so close to doing that.

But then I thought of you guys, and how I can't just do that.

When I first wrote this little part here with a slight intention of posting it, I chickened out. Now though, I'm finally posting it because I owe it for leaving this un- updated for so long. I've unpublished all parts to this at this point and I don't want to come back to it, but who knows. Maybe I will, and I'll make it actually something I like. I never really intended for this to get this big. In the beginning of this, almost a year ago, I just wanted to try to write a fanfic. That fanfic turned into something I don't want to be for people to read and judge me on, and now it's time to get rid of it.

This isn't the end though. I have other fanfictions that I'm writing at the moment that I promise you, will be updated more frequently and are much better. I have four that I currently consider myself to be working on.

One is called A Million Pieces of the Sky, and it's a Kellic. Unlike this, I actually like it, and a lot. I haven't really gotten around to updating it latest, but I will.

Another is really not something you can consider good at all- it's a crack fic between Jaime and Donald Trump (don't even ask), called An Illegal Love (again, don't even ask).

I'm also starting a Cashby fanfic that is going to be angsty as all fuck. It's called We Will Meet in the Moonlight.

I would add my other Kellic, The Sound of a Ghost, in here, but you might as well consider that to be on a really long hiatus. I do have another Kellic book though... I guess. It's called 69 Shades of Kellic and it's a request- only one shot book that will end once it reaches 69 parts. The catch? Everything you request has to be completely ridiculous.

So yeah, check out those if you'd like. If not, whatever. It's been a fun ride writing this with amazing readers like you, I'm just sorry I'm pulling this on you. And that the story was crappy anyways. Whatever feedback I get from this, positive or negative, you guys are still amazing. And who knows, maybe I will end up rewriting this or something in the future, just better and changed up

Don't Ruin A Perfect Thing (a Kellic fanfic) (On Hiatus/ Dead/ Idek)Where stories live. Discover now