Who is Grace Louise Williams?

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what can i say about myself. will there is a lot about myself and my family!!! ❤️💙💜🖤 

i love dogs of all kinds and shape, size, colors, breed, mix,although i love big dogs sometimes i like small dogs as will, but i do worry too much about dogs getting hit by cars so yes i am a lover not a hater, i do know that if i ever hurt the animal(s) or if i ever hurt people with my hands i know that i will be very sad an cry way too much, because i am emotional an some times sensitive i won't forgive myself i will an would feel bad. will you see it takes me months, years, weeks, or days for me to forgive myself. so my favorite things are or someone or anything that moves... 

Mountains, Trees, Nature, wild Animals, Woods\ Forests, Butterfly's, Rain, Wind, storms, White Owls, Black Cats, Wolves, Notebooks, Journals, Art Books, Drawing Books, Coloring Books, Sketch Books, Stickers, Albums, Anime Movies on Netflix, Anime Movies on Video Prime, little bit of anime music\songs\singers, Disney Shows on T.V., Disney Songs\Music\Singers, i love to sing a lot like every day almost, i listen to jazz, blues sometimes, some times i'll listen to country songs, i love hearing nature, i love hearing the birds, Blue Jeans, spring, summer, swimming, purple flowers, purple lavender flowers, rainbow colors, light colors, Moons, Stars, Starbucks coffee with flavor and sweeten only, chocolate Chip Cookies, Brownies from a box, frozen pizzas from the store, my mom homemade pizza, Rivers, Lakes, Eagles, Small Towns, Food in restaurants, i love restaurants i love the smell of there food. 

i have been living with my parents since i was born in 1994 8\30\94 August 30 and i had a birthday on a Friday, i turned 30 years old and i still live with my parents, so you know what? i love my parents, i love my 9 year old dog violet she had her birthday April 5th she is a black lab very sweet very loving to me to my amazing family, to my best friend\sister Erin Imes an to our friends that are like family to me since i was born cause they have known my family for years, an watched me grew up. my parents gave my big older sister Emily, my big older brother  Ray an I life they helped us learn about life, my parents became grandparents i became Auntie my dad gave me two big older brothers an two big older sisters not with my mom, although that's a story or another poem for another time. i have so many likes an dislikes but another time for that.    

please tell me what you all think and please don't be shy please comment about this and please be positive about it an please support me and my books, i am hoping to make more then one book, i cannot wait to make another book after i get done with this one. an please vote i love comments an i love votes, i also care about everyone's thought, an i care about everyone's feelings, i care about people. i do care about everyone's Opinion, because to me the way i see it, everyone maters. Because you all matter, don't think your not. so please vote and comment that means everyone votes and comments, if you cannot remember breathe in through your nose out slow with your mouth and drink some water slowly, an be brave, you can do it. i have faith in you. i will be waiting. but to let you all know i am still working on my patience but if my poem is any good, i will do another one. Thank you Everyone. 🤩💜💜💜

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