"Hmmm...definitely marry the bartender, bang the doctor, kill the actor."
"Why not marry the doctor? Then you have pretty much guaranteed health forever."
"Eh, doctors are always so arrogant. Bartender would have good social skills, guaranteed lodgings, and constant supplies of food and drink. Plus, healing spells exist. Why get a doctor when I could get any third-rate wizard to help me?"
"Fair enough."
"Land 'o, sailors!" Rusty called from the Crow's nest, looking through a spyglass.
Gwen looked up to see the direction Rusty was facing, ending her conversation with 400, then heading towards the helm to turn the vessel towards land. The girl's webbed hands tightened around the wheel's handles as she steered, feeling nauseous with nervousness as they inched closer to land. She doubted this would be where the lab was, of course, but still...being on land meant she was getting closer to her goal, and while that was what she wanted more than anything, it was completely terrifying.
Soon, their ship made it to shore, and the girls dropped anchor.
"Oi, Rimsby, guard the ship with your life. Anyone comes aboard, chuck 'em in the brig." Rusty commanded as Gwen and 400 climbed off the boat.
"Aye aye captain, yup yup. Brig. Guard the ship. Rimsby."
"Good lad. See you when we get back!"
Rusty followed her friends and sighed happily before Gwen hummed to herself, "Time to figure out where the Hells we actually are."
With that, the trio set off, walking from the beach towards the nearest civilisation. It wasn't much later that they ended up in the outskirts of what appeared to be a large city. The small outlining villages seemed to be pretty average, with people just going about their daily business. Excluding a group off in the distance consisting of a Human, two Earth Genasi, and a Ferrenka who seemed to be looking for something.
"Excuse me, madam, would you be able to tell me where we are?" Gwen asked a passing milkmaid.
"Oh, of course, you're in Prima Ville, dearie." The milkmaid responded before going about her business
"Prima Ville is on Padde island, right?" Rusty asked.
"How do you not know this?" Gwen asked, rolling her eyes a little.
"I put a lot of effort into not payin' attention in school."
"That doesn't surprise me." 400 shrugged.
"In that case, we really need a map of this place. All the islands, in fact."
"Well, where's the place to go when you need information?" Rusty asked, a smirk growing on her face.
Gwen and 400 looked at each other before turning back to Rusty. The two Half-Elves had some sort of psychic connection whenever Rusty had a facial expression like that. Like a simultaneous understanding that they weren't going to like whatever was about to happen next. And they were right to think so, as before they knew it, the three of them found themselves in a very dingy bar full of drunkards, other pirates, and folks who looked like they'd had less baths than birthdays.
"Couldn't we have gone to a more respectable tavern?" Gwen asked quietly.
"No way! You really need the common salt-of-the-earth types to get a real taste of the area."
"I hate to agree with Rusty, but I agree with Rusty." 400 commented, looking around as she crept through the doors behind her friends, causing many eyes to travel her way.
A Pirate's Life for Three
FantasíaPirating is a difficult job. Harsh weather, so much time away from land, sea monsters, exploration of abandoned lands, searching for treasures long lost, and battles to be told for centuries to come. A hard life indeed, even for the most ruthless of...