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3 years ago...


The killer's eyes were green, just like mine. Her cold glare cut through me as we faced each other, our weapons drawn. The only reason I could identify her as female was the side braided hair, now dotted with the blood of a fallen Hunter. She narrowed her eyes to slits as if she recognised me, but that was impossible. Not only had I never met her before, but my clothes prevented anyone from guessing my true identity. The pitch black leather covering my body and the mask would prevent my own mother from knowing it was me.

The girl was dressed in a similar fashion. Leather and flannel covered every inch of her body, except for her face. That was hidden by an incarnate red and black mask that disappeared into the sides of her hair. The mask gave her identity away, although it wasn't her true one.

Black Scarlett, the child terror.

She was probably the same age as me, 14, but had twice as much human blood on her hands as I did. She had killed four hunters in the last three months, without warning and without motive. She was a traitor to us all and a heartless murderer. At least I had a reason to kill: To protect the human world from the terrors that go bump in the night.

I'd fought and killed an assortment of beasts, ranging from witches to wendigoes. The most elusive prey, however, was the two species who mostly hated each other- Vampires and Werewolves. The latter I could still stomach, but Vampires made me want to hurl.

"Drop the knife, Black." My voice was calm and steady, betraying no emotion and no fear. The only downside to speaking was the slight pitch it had from breaking. Damn you puberty!

Black scowled and her eyes flicked to the door behind me. It was the only exit she could use without turning her back on me.

"You can't win. The entire building is crawling with hunters and they'll be here any minute. Give up." That was, apparently, the wrong thing to say. Her eyes hardened with determination and she moved toward me. Three shots fired from my gun, but each one missed. I turned to take aim again, but a flash of silver was hurtling towards me. Instinctively I dove to the side, leaving the escape route wide open.

As her footsteps disappeared down the narrow corridor I jumped to my feet and pulled the knife she had thrown at me out of the wall before dashing after her. I saw a trace of black disappear around a corner and a smug smile spread across my face. The way she was headed ended in a high fence. If she tried to climb it, it would give me more than enough time to shoot her down.

As I stepped into the cold evening air, a chill of awareness spread over me. It felt completely alien and primal. My eyes zoned in on Black Scarlett and my feet dashed after her. Something inside me was telling me to catch her and keep her from leaving, but not for the reasons I had originally intended. My heart lifted when I saw a car directly in front of Black, about a bus length away from the fence.

Then her form shimmered.

Unlike the few rogue Wolves I had faced, Black's clothes melted into her body as she jumped onto the car. The alarm blared from the impact of Wolf on metal, filling the air with a shrill cry. Her paws barely touched the surface before she went flying through the air, a majestic blur of brown and gold. I skidded to a stop behind the car and watched helplessly as she sailed over the fence and landed safely on the other side.

Before I could even think about taking aim, she was gone.

The awareness that had come over me faded into the background. It was like coming down from a sugar rush and I was about to crash land. A pale sliver of paper lay on the ground with the word Revenge printed in neat lettering. I crouched down and took the paper. On the other side a message was written.

Payback's a bitch.

The sound of rapid footsteps made me jam the letter into one of the small pockets of my jacket. Black's knife was still in my hand and I gripped it tightly as the older Hunters stopped next to me.

"What happened?" one asked.

I shrugged and started walking back to the main building. "Black Scarlett happened, uncle. Nothing much I could do, seeing as she got passed you."

Some rational part of my mind was screaming, Tell them! Tell them she's a monster! The other, more powerful part of my mind kept my mouth shut.

The glint of Black's knife in my hand faded as I stepped through the doors to the Academy.

Hiya, welcome to the Prologue of A Touch of Scarlet!

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