Flat Liner

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hope u like it!!

haha please comment and vote and yer...

sorry for any grammar mistakes :)

xx Sally

Chapter One-

It started 73 years ago when the Society began claiming they could heal the world… almost identical to most religions of our time, however this wasn’t a religion. They started with the challenged members of our world, the ones who where were on the edge, hands out, eyes close and ready to jump. They were the first. The test subjects if you like. They took the drugs, the ones that claimed to save you from everything and anything. Even from emotion. And it was no lie that they did.

Next they found their way into hospitals and infected the infected, the disabled and the injured, claiming they cured you of pain. The patients responded to the morphine every single time. And it was no lie that it did.

The poison found its way into schools, with claims that it would help the concentration power of students, improving their mental capacity and ability to deal with distractions. So, naturally, the parents that could afford it, bought it, saying it was for the welfare of their children. And it did what is said, and the test results raised and more people bought the product, not just wealthy parents anymore. And so the work rate of business men and women improved as well. The drugs worked just as they had claimed, exactly as it had claimed. So it was no lie what they had told the world.

But only a few stopped to read the terms and conditions; by the time anyone noticed, it was too late to stop the Society. After-all the now drugged world was the Society.

And to think that the destruction of this world had started with a single, orange pill that did everything it claimed to do. It cured the world of pain, of heartbreak, of sadness, of every bad emotion that one could allow themselves to feel; of course it also cured all the other emotions too, turning them into an unusable waste of space in the back of the brain. However soon it faded from the brain completely and as it did so, humanity disappeared with it.

Everything that made us us, ceased to exist. We ceased to exist.

The day I began to become human again was the day I met him.

Jason Roads.

I was working, just like every other day in my life since the Society had came, and at the age of 24, I had been proud to say I was a qualified doctor, or would have been proud if I had of let myself feel.

“Jason Roads?” I asked, looking over the face of the unusually attractive man that was currently grimacing at me. “What is the problem here?”

“You’re like the most observant person I know,  but seriously eyes are there for a reason, we use them to see things, it helps to protect us from big, bad walls and other things like that,” he winked and then gestured to his leg which was letting out blood at a scary rate and despite all that, and despite my ‘turned-off’ emotions I laughed. I laughed! It surprised me so much I gasped and that’s how it began. One sentence and I had changed everything around me.

“Yes, yes, I see that now. I should probably get that fixed for you. Okay, I will be right back,” I turned and walked away, going to get the materials I needed to fix him, all that time worrying about what had happened to me. Worrying!

It hadn’t even occurred to me then that he had saved me from my life of nothing, not until much later in our history together.

I felt a smile light up my lips at that memory, it had only been a year ago, and yet here I was, stuck in a prison waiting for him to come save me because of what he had done to me… and yet I still loved him and was still waiting for him to come rescue me.


Some things didn’t change.

I gasped out loud before shuddering.

“How had I not noticed?” I said to the empty air and then laughed. “The first sign of insanity is when you start talking to yourself.”

“You lost your insanity long ago, honey,” a voice answered me from outside my cell, a voice so familiar I almost screamed. Almost. I was to scared to even make a move let alone make a noise. Because it was the way my prisoncell-guard had said it… like it was nothing. Nothing, like there was no emotion. Nothing at all…just like the pill. It couldn’t be him, he couldn’t have…

I shuddered violently before gingerly calling out his name, hoping I was wrong, hoping I was very, very wrong.

 “Yes? Who are you?” Jason asked, peering through the metal bars, his dark hair flopping in front of his eyes, not a hint of emotion playing on his face.

“Jason,” I crooned, feeling the tears well up in my eyes as everything clicked.

Not only did the pills take away every emotion, they took away your strongest emotional memories, which left very little way for you to convert yourself back into humanity. Society had gotten to him. “Guess what Jason? It’s my birthday today, I’m turning 25. That’s pretty amazing if you ask me. I think it is. I think it is…”

I trailed off and closed my eyes, slumping back into the stone wall, falling into an abyss of loneliness I was never getting free. My hope and my love didn’t even remember me.

“Alora?” he asked and instantly I was up and at the gate, my face inches from his. “Do you remember me?” I asked hopefully… more then hopefully.

“No. I don’t,” he shook his head and turned, walking away into the blackness, fading like a bad memory.

This time I couldn't stop the tears; not that I tried. 

I would do anything, I realised witha sudden pang, to get him back. To get him to feel.

Of course that involved getting myself out of here, and I knew that if I did manage to get out it would be beyond a miracle and some things even a miracle couldn't do.

After-all a miracle wouldn't bring me back from the dead.

"Jason," I moaned queitley, before sinking to the floor and lettng my emotions cave in around me as I cried until I could barley breath, then my breath turned to gasps as I pulled myslef to the back of the cella and falling into unconscousness instantly, easily welcoming the darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2013 ⏰

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