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"That about wraps up that segment," Dom closes the conversation. "Say, Valk--" He cuts into another topic, prepping the broadcasts next feature. "Would you care to introduce the product we were politely asked to present?"
Valk blanks for a second, staring off into space as he thinks.


He straightens his stack of papers for the script, hitting them on the sibling's desk... rather aggressively Dom even flinches a bit.
"Right away!" Valk declares enthusiastically, clearing his throat. "So, for todayyyy's Flipside Find..."


"Hey, Dom?" He shields his mouth from the camera with a hand, hiding what he's attempting to communicate. "...What?" The purple demon replies. "Are murder robots safe for TV? Safe for air?" His brother asks, clearly concerned about the content he's supposed to be advertising to the viewers.
"Uhm..." The taller reaches into a drawer, digging through files and rules.
"Apologies for the delay, technical difficulties!" The yellow demon calls out to the camera, smiling at it charmingly in hopes the audience doesn't uh... catch onto how lost the two are.

After shuffling and what not, Dom finally whispers back. "Why did we even have to check for that? Obviously not. Act like it's some kind of report instead of an ad."
Twirling in his seat for effect, Valk faces the camera once he ceases motion. "So, for today's Flipside Find, we'd like to introduce the Biografts of Blackrock!"
A flashy display of one of the Biograft models appears on the screen behind the siblings.

"Aren't they stunning?" He compliments. "Designed by Blackrock's head scientist, who has requested we refer to aaaaas... Subspace T. Mine!"
Something about that name sent a jolt through Valk.

Eh. He was probably just impressed with his work, that's all.
"I can agree, the work done by this Subspace of the fascinating Blackrock is quite impressive. Too bad idols like us don't interact with folk such as them."

Idols like us.
Is this putting it as if we're... not allowed to?
"Hey. Valk. We're on air," His brother's voice quickly brings him out of his thought process.

...Goodness, Valk, what's up with you today?? The shorter demon questions himself.
"Rightaroo!" He chuckles awkwardly. "So, the Brilliant Biografts, is that what we'll dub them?" He mused. "Haha, sure, sure!" Dom plays along.
"Well, that's our closing for today.
"See you on..." They speak in sync.

"The Flipside!" Valk strikes a pose for the camera, Dom snickering at the sight.

And.. cut!

"Alright... I'd say I'm quite exhausted," The purple demon speaks up. "Mic, do you mind attending to anything we have left?" He requests with patience.
"Makin' me do 13x the work?" The yellow demon teases, not met with anything but a blank stare from his brother. Seems the joke went right over him.
"...Right, right, uhm- Nope! I don't mind at all!" He pushes up his yellow glasses, giving a thumbs-up and a grin.
"Well, then I'll see you at home," Dom smiles only slightly.
"Orrr you mean, on the flip-"

Checking over paperwork, Valk grumbles. Why'd he agree to this?
His glasses nearly fall off his face as his eyes droop closed. He nearly falls into unconsciousness, his mind eager for slumber... until...
A quick 5 knocks pop him right out of his seat.
"Huh-?? Who's there at this hour..." He puts his glasses on the table to rub his eyes, stretching his wings... until realizing, well, his glasses are a big thing -- it'd be weird for someone random to see him without them! He puts them back on their signature place as soon as he can.
"May I come in???" A slightly... hoarse voice requests.
"I don't mind!! But I'm checkin' stuff over. Fine with you?"
"Doesn't matter to me in the slightest!!" The one behind the door vocalizes enthusiastically, eager that he gets to at least meet with the idol.
The door swings open as a magenta demon enters... of course taller than Valk. Who isn't, at this point...? He internally sighs to himself. An extra inch and at least I'd be on par with Boombox...
The new demon's crystal from between his horns faintly illuminates the entrance, before he eventually makes his way inside. He looks around a bit, until...

He pulls a chair in front of Valk unexpectedly, immediately sitting down in front of him. He seems... giddy??
"You are...?" The yellow demon questions, hoping this isn't an intruder when he's already so out of it.
"Subspace T Mine!! Inventor of what you dubbed the Brilliant Biografts!!" He smiled.. or well, Valk thought he did. He had a gas mask on. It was a bit hard to tell.

Are all scientists so... sciency..?
What kinda question was that?? Of course they are, idiot-!
Gahh, whatever. Focus for once today!!!

"Right! I'm Valk, but I assume you already know that!!" He introduced. Why was he introducing. They communicated about the entire advertisement, why was-

Okay! Okay!! Just focus!!!

"Of course I do!! Your fame is quite admirable, even if it's just with your brother!! But an idol isn't my thing... EXPERIMENTING IS, OF COURSE!!"
He's sweetly passionate.

"..Oh!! And you can just call me Subspace since I already have a good feeling about you, how does that sound!?" The Blackrockian scientist proposes.
"Uh... Sure!! I don't mind. You can just call me Mic or Microphone, Valk's a stage name, haha!!" He smiles. Hopefully Subspace smiled back. He still can't tell.

"Sayyy.. My brother, Megaphone -- Or as you know him, Dom -- is quite fond of Blackrock!" The shorter demon brings up, attempting to continue some sort of conversation. He already feels weirdly fond of the other...
Hopefully they'll have a great friendship!
"Oh, it would be my PLEASURE!!" The mad scientist grins from under his mask. And thankfully, Valk can actually tell this time! That's a good sign.

Hours upon hours of enthusiastic explaining.. constant information exchange with one or another... long story telling.
The two demons bond quite well.
But stupidly enough, they fall asleep while in the recording office.
Dom barges in the next day and tells them off... oh well!
At least Valk made a good pal. He'll have to invite him to the show as another feature sometime!

A good pal...

If only this was the limit to what would come to them.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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