Not forever

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"My love..?"

I start this out hesitant. Staring at him hard. He was busy playing a video game but he didn't wait to look at me, not even to pause his game, the sounds of his character getting hit over and over again overwhelming. He furrowed his brows and paused his game. "Yes,hon?" He set the controller down gently, whether to not break it or scare me off I don't know, but I kept staring at him hard. I was trying to find something, did I know what I was searching for? No. But I was still looking. My mouth was suddenly dry as I open to speak, eyes frantic to look elsewhere than his worried eyes but he stepped closer, my gaze snapping to his. "Honey is something wrong?"

"Do you..want this, forever?"

I finally get out, the question makes no sense and I can see it clear as day that he is confused, about to question me. "I mean-" I interrupt before he even has a chance to speak, "Do you want us, to be together, forever?" I rephrase.
His eyes soften, confusion gone and replaced by the want to reassure me. "Honey.." he started, reaching for me and I shoot off, not physically but mentally and verbally. "I just! I wonder..if you feel like this is working or if you actually love me or want me or if you're secretly planning to leave-!" I'm silenced by his lips on mine and his arms wrapping around me. I'm wrapped in warmth, inside and out, it spreads through me. It quiets my words, my mind, and my body. I relax against him, letting him reassure me with his kiss and hug. He pulls away too soon, always too soon and I'm chasing him for another kiss, but his smile stops me and I stare into his eyes. "Of course, I want us forever, my poor over thinker of a wife. I married you for a reason and that's to spend the rest of my life with you, no matter what." He leaned his forehead on mine and I could feel he meant every word...but I know in the back of my mind there will always be doubt, and he knows it too. He plants a kiss on my nose. "Stop overthinking it. I love you and want you forever, okay?"

I slowly nodded, and he smiled. "Good." He said, giving one last kiss to my forehead and stepping back. "We will be okay." He says, one last time before he picks his controller back up and unpauses the game. I smile, briefly before it falls and I turn away.

But..what if we aren't?

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⏰ Last updated: 10 hours ago ⏰

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