wake up, its time to work.

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the alarm on the left beside table rung, signalling that it's time to wake up and get ready for work. Michael groaned and sat up. Meanwhile, Jeremy continued to sleep, lying blissfully unaware of the day ahead of him, contently sleeping on his stomach.

"Wake up, angel.." Michael muttered to Jeremy through a yawn as he reached over and slapped the alarm clock, shutting it off. Jeremy didn't budge and stayed sleeping.

"Jeremy. Jeremyyyy," Jeremy heard faintly as he woke up to being shaken.
"Wake up." he heard Michael's voice speaking to him as he slowly used his arms to push himself up, sitting on his knees.

"Time to get ready for work." Michael spoke to Jeremy, speaking firmly yet tiredly. Jeremy rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands as he spoke groggily. "What day even is it...?"
"I swear it was friday yesterday..."

"Get up, we're gonna be late, love." Michael repeated for what felt like the millionth time as he pushed the covers off of himself and stood from their bed. Jeremy just watched him, resing his hands on his knees as he adjusted to being awake.

Michael didn't say anything else and walked out of the room to go do his morning routine.

Jeremy yawned as he soon got up from the bed and followed after Michael to complete his own routine.

(Hey gang. this part is boring. Read the next parts. There's epic angst somewhere in the story)

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