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[ "???" Tieing his tie while looking at him in the mirror while someone called him from downstairs "VINCENT" ]

[ Vincent: A mafia , dominant cruel , ruthless, Rich, doesn't care about other  feelings nor his.  king of silent killer will kill anyone with no trace ]

Vincent: Don't raise your voice on me Ren. If it's happen again then you know me well *he speaks in his husky deep voice* (Clearing his throat)

[ Ren : perfect weapon handler especially guns, and a innocent and naive ceo for his parents but currently the opposite on his personal work]

Ren : alright alright! Let's go already.

[ Ring ring ]

[ Light high school  class 1-1 ]

Teacher : Good morning everyone! This is Akira a new student in our class !

[ Akira : cruel , mocking , spy agent a High skilled hacker here to act as a high school student for a mission ]

Akira : hello everyone this is Akira from U.S hope I'll get along with you ..
[ Mind : or I'll get to kill you ]

Teacher : take seat

[ Akira takes a seat beside a girl ]

(???) So my girlie is back?

( Akira ) Ohh are you in this mission too "Riya"? Well it's great help

[ Riya : funny , not good but not bad, devil but an angel , Assassin....if she enters into the mission she is devil if she come back to her state she is an angel ]

Teacher : I'm sorry but there is another new student too There you go (as she enter all the boys jaws drop)
She is Lavender

[Lav : soft ,shy, senstive, innocent, naive, Pretty, caring, topper in studies not so rich not so poor here by merit]

Lav : h-hello everyone I-im lav-vender...I-its nice t-to meet y-you e-everyone

Teacher: go and seat next to the boy

[ Lav nods and takes seat beside a boy ]

(???) Hii !!!

(Lav) h-hey...

(??) Are you okay? You don't seems fine ?

(Lav) (Smiles) I-im fine t-thanks for a-asking your name?

( ??? ) Noah.

[ Noah : soft , lovely , sweet, caring, sensitive ]

(Noah) Not gonna lie you're pretty

[ Her eyes go wide ]

(Lav) I-i...u-uhm ..t-thank y-you.

( Noah ) Cute. (He chuckled) The flower in your bag is cute do you love flowers?

( Lav ) Y-yeah because these are my "flowers to love"


If you're a female who will you choose ? If you're a male who'll you choose don't forget , you can only choose one time

Bye yah

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