We were just doing our jobs as the color guardians we are. Sami were checking on the harvests. We just sent the perfect ones for the guardians of the four gods of creativity... Dreams... Art... Knowledge... And Erasing... Most valuable four indeed. We always sent one at a time but unfortunately one got banished so now we are down to three guardians to feed this year. That's when we found Harvest 68, a grayish horned void mass of a creature sitting up exhausted from the drugs we put in so they would stay unconscious. Me and Sami were confused but when we tried to send them to one Of the guardians they kept coming back and back and back. We will get updates soon though I promise!
-yours truly; Rosibell
Harvesting notes; Restless slumber
Randomso I found this book from a random website saying "HaVe SoMe FuN wHiLe YoU rEaD a BoOk On HoW yOu CoUlD bE a PuN! " or whatever that means but so far it's just... weird... harvests? blood? dreamscapes? inter-Dimensional guardians? what the hell is t...