Juu - Ni

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"Ego-san don't you think that you're asking too much of him? I mean, he did just meet and find his soulmate so may-" Anri was cut off by Ego before she could finish, she sounded unsure. I mean she didn't know (Y/n) very well so they weren't close but what Ego said just didn't sit right.

"He'll be fine, Anri. They are soulmates. Now than brat, if you say no you're out and we'll have someone else replace you, if it's an agreement then you'll stay."

You heard Anri gasp beside you, in the short time that you have known Ego, you know better than to push him. He most definitely wasn't bluffing. He would do it in an instant, and hearing the proposal that he told you, he was going to do whatever it takes to get Japan to win the world cup.

You looked down from Ego to your hands, still thinking of the possibilities of the situation that he put you in, but before you could speak Anri beside you spoke up. "Ego-san! You can't just do that!" Anri began, his voice full of shock and disbelief, the spot that Ego had put you in was cruel. Anyone with half a brain would be able to tell that much.

"I'll do it.........Just don't push me too much and....give me time." You said now looking up from your hand to meet the eyes of Ego, at this point you should've just quit trying and went back to Sae, but you are too stubborn to do that. You had a great dislike for the soulmate string, you always have and always will.

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