In the heart of a tranquil countryside, Maren the cow spent her days grazing in the sun-drenched fields. She loved the simple life, but one fateful afternoon, everything changed. As Maren chewed on some fresh grass, she noticed a shimmering light descending from the sky.
"What in the world?" she mooed, tilting her head.
With a soft thud, a peculiar figure landed beside her. It was a tall, green alien with large eyes and an odd smile. "Bluljugvhbghd!" it exclaimed, waving its arms excitedly.
Maren, intrigued and unfazed, replied, "Bitch, I'm a cow! Bitch, I'm a cow! I go mouuuu!"
The alien blinked, then burst into laughter, a sound like bubbling water. This strange meeting sparked an unexpected friendship.