Albert and Glycen

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At the first light of dawn, as soon as the villagers woke up, a chorus of voices arose, shouting a miracle had happened.
Every wounded person had been healed in an instant. Even the fractures had gone back into place, someone came out and pointed out every single building had been completely rebuilt from top to bottom, in fact, even more solid than before.

The Neivers, for their part, had a new fright when they found the spot beside Safie to be empty
Brendan jumped up and checked his leg, still in disbelief. But that wasn't the priority, where was Father Aidan?

He ran to his study, to his room. Nothing, he was nowhere to be found.
Only when he took a closer look outside, he saw him asleep at the foot of the stairs. He ran to shake and call out to him.
The priest jumped and almost slapped him in fear. He looked around, bewildered, with his memories all blurry.

"Brendan!" He exclaimed after observing the farmer "You are walking!"

"My niece is missing!"


"M-I-S-S-I-N-G! She has vanished!"

The priest stood up and observed the miracle before his eyes, both on the people and on the buildings.
He tapped his fists on his head to remember something, then he entered the church with a finger between his teeth and retraced what he had done the night before. He was immersed in his studies, then he had seen something outside, he had gone out, he had seen a silver mist, then a light, an almost angelic figure.

"The Banshee!" He jerked his head up.


"Last night, a Banshee visited us. It is the same one that keeps our animals, and I think she knows something about this story"

It must have been her who healed the people and rebuilt everything from the rubble.

"Then she took her..." Brendan turned to the open doors "I'm going to get her back"

"She won't be easy to reason with, you know that, right?"

"I made a promise to her mother, a Neighbor. I'll use that as an argument."

He kissed Arianna and Safie on the forehead "I'll be back soon; I'll take her home with our animals."

"Don't do anything stupid," his wife pinched his neck, "Or you'll sleep on the couch for a month, Brendan Neivers."

Connor walked alongside him, "I'm coming too. I didn't wait a year to ask her to marry me and then have her taken away!"

"Stop right there, you," Fergus pulled his ear, "You're not going anywhere without me. I know you're in love, you're right about protecting her, but don't be reckless!"

Aidan sighed and nodded too. He crossed himself and called those who had discovered the location of the sanctuary to guide them to their destination.

"God bless you. Be careful."

A small group of twenty people set off into the woods in front of the entire village praying for their safe return.
What the priest could do, however, was to go and investigate among the books.
He sat back down at his desk and took the sign, licked his index finger and read the partly faded letters.
The Neighbor didn't give him answers? Then he would have to manage on his own.
He felt he was on the right track.
He found the first figure again, the idol surrounded by twelve sculptures, the symbol coincided with his eyes, only one was completely black, the other completely white.

The sorcerers wore the black eye...

A few minutes later, some women had come to bring him food.

"You won't believe it, Father. Our pantries are full! It's truly a miracle!"

Children Of Myths, Act One: ScotlandWhere stories live. Discover now