Breakfast Morning

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(Still editing but let me know what you think and what I can add)

Deep within the thick vegetation we arrive upon the village of the smurf, where every day is a smurfy day. Now we all know the story of Clumsy how he traveled to New York and saved everyone from Gargamel. But this isn't about his adventure this is a story about a different smurfy fellow, inside one of these mushrooms lies a very brave smurf, a smurf who would do daring risks, a smurf who is about as strong as Hefty, dressed in a blue kilt, his name is-

"Gutsy! Gutsy Wake Up!"

Gutsy shoots up in a Panick "Nae?! what! Where be the danger?" he stumbles out of bed, some of his stuff on his shelves clatter to the ground.

Clumsy opens His door "hey, are you ok? golly I didn't mean to scare you awake gutsy". Gutsy after realizing there was no danger went over to clumsy to pat his back "Me? Scared'? Nae' I'm never scared' ye should know dis Laddie, my name is Gutsy for smurf sake".

Clumsy and Gutsy chuckled "so what did ye need lad?" Clumsy realizing what he arrived there for "Oh! It's almost Breakfast and I came to get you Greedy, Chef, and Baker are making smurf cookies! as a breakfast desert, said it's a new recipe!" Gutsy chuckling at his enthusiasm gave him a friendly shoulder punch "Well what are we waitin' for Let's get a move on".

As Gutsy and clumsy made their way through the village towered the mess hall it was so lively, Sleepy was napping on Grouchy's bench as he was yelling at him to wake up to go eat, vanity and smurfett walking having a conversation also going to eat, farmer and hefty caring wagons of smurfberries, Brainy getting pranked by jokey... again, and painter and poet giving each other creative ideas... that is until clumsy tripped fell into the wagon hefty had and ran into painters bucket drenching him and painter in green and brown paint.

(don't hate on this accent please I'm trying)

"Ah! Clumsy My Masterpizza ze Clothes!" painter exclaimed. Gusty and Hefty came to a halt at the scene hefty helping Clumsy and painter up.

"Aye relax now. Ye know' de lad cant' help it".

Hefty standing next to Clumsy puts a hand on his shoulder relaxing him.

Everyone hears the diner bell ring.

"Hey, let's get up and eat some grub yeah?" Hefty says

"I suppose I am smurfing on an Emptiez stomach..." Painter says

In the mess hall its Gutsy, Handy, Farmer, Grouchy, brainy, and clumsy eating and having a good time sharing some smurfy memories.

"Yeah, and then Grouchy launched Brainy Right into Mr. Winslow's bowl of munch! ha ha good times" Clumsy sighed

"Hmph! he wasn't even using the proper form for the contraption; He should've placed both hands on th- mmh! mm!" as brainy was ranting Grouchy grabbed a nearby muffin to Smurf him up. "There i just smurfed everyone's ears from Mr. Ranting, your welcome" grouchy smirked and crossed his arms as everyone chuckled.

"Hey, I got an idea lets go play smurf ball by smurf creek!" Clumsy stated "Hey dat sounds like a smurfy idea" Handy agreed. The rest of the boys got up to put there dishes away and went to go do their morning chores.

Gutsy just finished helping farmer pull out all the weeds from his crops he saw hefty, handy, clumsy and grouchy waiting for him. "ay! come on let's get this show on the road" Hefty said as he tossed the ball in his hand.  Gutsy joined them wavering bye to farmer, him tipping his hat to them.

It was a nice walk to the creek Clumsy stumbling a bit and accidently stepping on grouchy's foot "Smurfin!- watch it clumsy!'' Clumsy looking a little nervous "oops sorry grouchy" Gutsy chuckling "man I Hate all this walking!" grouchy complained as Hefty rolled his eyes. "Hey hefty did you need me to build you a new workout bench? I know you mentioned it, but I got a little busy" Handy said " Yeah I did break it because of these bad boys!" hefty said flexing his right arm them doing a flexing pose. "Now lad dont start getin' ye gloating about and let's get to tha' creek" Gutsy said playfully shoving Hefty.

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