Chapter 1

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(Hello my darlings! This is my first story I'm making so I hope it isn't too fast or the grammar sucks. Please tell me what you think of this chapter so I know if I should make more! <3 )


Hyunjin had just left his apartment for his usual everyday walk. Since its been a few weeks into summer, hyunjin decided to walk a little more today, why waste such a beautiful day?

Hyunjin had just started walked, his hands in his pockets as he looks around, the trees already blooming with flowers.
After around 20 minutes of walking, hyunjin was about to turn around to walk back home but he saw a staircase that went underground, so of course he thought it was a train station since he needed to get a few groceries anyway.

He took out his phone and checked the time, it was currently 2:37pm.
"I should be home.. I don't know, before 4pm?"
He said and shrugged. He put his phone in his pocket before walking down the staircase.
He began to notice it was pretty dark and the staircase was really long. He grew suspicious but, of course, he kept going the the idiot he was.

He finally got to the end of the staircase and it was almost pitch black except for the light at the top of the staircase.
He sighed and got out his phone again, turning on the flashlight.

He gasps slightly as he saw what was there. There was a bunch of papers scattered around, testing bottles, A bunch of rooms, and a whole lot of medical things.

He was already scared but he slowly began to walk in further to the secret lab.
When he took a few steps inside, some automatic lights turned on, which were the color of green because of dust. He slowly looked around before walking in further, of course he was cautious, he didn't wanna die because of his own stupidity.

He walks in even further, using the flashlight of his phone to see things that are in some of the darkness or shadows.
He went into quite a few rooms but all of them were just filled with random testing stuff, needles, desks with papers, and broken computers.

While he investigated on half of the abandoned laboratory, he went into a specific room that had a curtain over the door, as if someone tried to keep that door a obvious secret.
It took hyunjin a few minutes to open the door since it had a random security lock on it which was an obvious password of 1234.

He went into the pitch black room, the sensory lights turning on when he stepped inside. The room was filled with weird human sized tubes that were empty.
He was weirded out as he stepped closer to a empty tube, weird stuff was written at the bottom of the tubes like 'subject 092, subject 710', and weird stuff like that.

He stopped looking at the tubes as he saw a light from the corner of his eye....
He gasps when he saw what the light was coming from...
At the corner of the room, was a human sized tube that was not empty..

It was filled with a clear substance but he could barely see what was inside because of the dust covering it. He very hesitantly stepped forward to see what it was..

He walked up to the tube and used his sleeve to wipe off all the dust. His eyes widened and he was speechless...
"What the hell..?"
Hyunjin said quietly. A human was in there, floating upright... Hyunjin was wide-eyed as he stared at the weird person in the tube.. the human in there was a boy about hyunjin's age, bright blonde hair, freckles, and wings.. Wait, wings?

Hyunjin was seriously confused, how did this boy have wings? Was he some time of mutation?
Hyunjin looked at the boy longer before realizing that the boy was in liquid, how was he breathing and how long has he been in there?

It didn't take long before hyunjin figured out that this boy was in a hyper sleep.
Hyunjin looked at the boy longer before trying to find something that can explain why this boy was in a tube and he had wings.
Hyunjin looked around, the papers on the floor told him nothing. He walked to a desk he found and looked at it. It was like the same desk he found in all the other rooms.

Hyunjin looked before finding a paper.. An odd paper..
The paper had a little boy who supposedly went missing 7 years ago in 2017.
Coincidence or not, the little boy on the paper looked a lot like the one in the tube.. Was this poor boy kidnapped and kept here for 7 years?

Hyunjin made up his mind already, He was gonna save that poor boy in the tube..

Hyunjin went back to the tube and looked all over it for some type of button or lever to open the top or something. He was feeling around for anything and sighed.. How was he gonna get this boy out of the tube?

Hyunjin was just about to give up before he found a very small button at the bottom of the tube, near the words 'subject 001.' He clicked it and the human sized tube cracked rapidly, the liquid flooding out of the tube along with the winged boy.

He kneels down to check on the boy, which the boy seemed to be fine except he seemed to be waking up already. Hyunjin was still as he saw the winged boy slowly wake up...


(Hey darlings! This is the end of chapter 1, I hope it was good and not too straight forward! Please comment what you think and if I should make more chapters! <3 )

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⏰ Last updated: a day ago ⏰

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