evap cooler

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Fresh outdoor air is drawn by a high-efficiency fan through suitable filters and passed over the large surface area of a cooling coil, which carries primary coolant being cooled through a Sensible Heat Rejection Unit, working in a heat-removal mode. Thereby, it cools the incoming air during summer from the ambient dry air of 42-44°C to 30-32°C without directly adding any water vapor to the incoming air.

This pre-cooled and clean air then passes through a high surface air mass exchanger made of cellulose substrate, wetted by continuously flowing water, thus providing direct evaporative air cooling. This lowers the temperature from around 32°C to 18-20°C, which is finally supplied to the space to be cooled through the air distribution system. This process is part of our evaporative cooling system, which efficiently cools spaces while using less energy. As an alternative to traditional methods, our evaporative cooler technology is designed to provide optimal comfort in a sustainable manner.

Hence, this unique technology enables supply air temperatures lower than the wet bulb temperature and can even go below 20°C during peak summer/dry season. Since it is based on 100% fresh, filtered air, it provides better inside conditions than traditional air conditioning. However, being an evap cooler concept, it remains less effective during a few days in the year when the atmosphere is hot and humid.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24 ⏰

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