The awakening

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' open your eyes, look around, find what's missing that is always present within you ..... '

[ The Awakening: chapter one ]

God gifted us all ,
Created us all ,
Gave us the freedom we wanted ,
Trusts us, and made us the crown of his creation also its Steward.

everything and everyone
God created us with love; sacrificing his own and only son,  Jesus Christ our Savior , just so we could be cleaned from our original Sin .

Yes , God did created us all but he did not create Evil ..... Thus Evil created itself , but with our belief and Love for God  we will not become evil .

[ 1 : Awakening ]~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~

As I walked through the corridors while reading a book , there was this sudden Pain in my head causing me to collapse to my knees, I felt  my eyes  getting blurry , i blinked it out a little, and slowly tried to  stand, still feeling the throbbing in my head I decided to stop reading for a while .

' maybe I'm having this headache because of reading while walking ? '

I thought to myself as I regain my composure and slowly walked in a steady pace until i Reached our classroom , now breathing Heavily I stopped, and tried to fix my breathing,until finally taking in the chaos inside our room .

Boy's chatting loudly , People running around, and some going out to the corridor , while the rest are just minding their own business .

I sighed, quickly striding to my desk to resume reading ,

It's always been like this ....
The chaos ,and me laying low.

I'm not a loner don't get me wrong , I just want to have peacefulness so, I choose to shut the world out using a book .

hearing the bell ring , signals the start of the class I  keep my book away to
Listen -well try to ,
I shrugged my shoulders and doze off to wonderland .


I run through pearl white halls going in one direction ,towards the great council of The Sky .

Today is the day that they will tell me who the special one is .
The one that I will awaken, and the one who will help us re-build the church .

The chosen one .

I stopped in-front of big  golden Doors, fixing my now kind of misplaced robe  -_-,

 straightening my back, I opened the golden doors, and a blinding light proceeds to blind the heck outta me , though I know It can't harm me, I still close my eyes
It feels so comfortable...

As if i was hugged like there's no tomorrow....

' there might be, but it is now limited....'

frowning at my own thoughts, I try to think of other things, and smiled as i enter , as a scene flashes through my mind.

" keep smiling.... "
The woman said as she supports a kid stand up , the kid nods and smiles at the woman , the woman returns it and they walk away ...

I don't know why , but it made me feel happy and comforted...


After our fifth period it was lunch .

cleaning up my desk , I proceeded to my locker revealing books and  notebooks, at my locker's door you could see my name printed on it
' Celine Koh '

" guess I'll sleep for the whole lunch break  "

I sighed and got my book out entitled : Every soul a star , before  locking my locker up using my teddy bear lock , it might seem childish but who cares ? Not me , it's too cute to give it up .

I  began to walk to my special place in this school ...
The Labyrinth...

It was the first place that i found the peacefulness i wanted .

I quickly arrived at the garden and successfully found the correct tree , yes the labyrinth is a hidden place .

I pulled three branches in a pattern and a small door opens  inside the tree trunk , i casually strode in and walked the set of stairs until i finally came out , and now I'm infront of two doors a gold and a silver one , i walked to the gold one and got my gold card then slide it through the slot and the door quickly opened revealing a white pavilion at the center of a small lake , I crossed the bridge and laid down to the comfy sofa and started reading























" uhmm..... miss? "

i opened my eyes lazily and took in my surroundings , when realization hit me .

' i fell asleep inside the labyrinth '

clumsy me .  standing up ,  I fixed myself ,  when suddenly I heard someone, and from the type of voice it's a guy , i turned around and looked at him

 i asked him how and why he was here but then he said it was he was ordered by someone and got lost on getting out of here , i let him follow me out but when we we're out he was already gone like a bubble .

i shrugged my shoulders , it must have been my hallucination.

' to why i am acting pretty much like this.

 too much sleep I guess '

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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