chapter one

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Oh yay the train is finally here. When the train stops and the doors open I walk inside and look for a seat ,when I found one I sat down. I look at who is sitting next to me and there is a little Asian boy sitting next to me and he looks about ten years old, he is sooo cute and then I see that he is holding a duffle bag in his arms and I look around to see if any of his parents are with him but nobody seems to be paying attention to him, that's odd where are his parents ?

" Hey watch it ! " someone said .

I look to see a man well build but dirty and I look to see who he was yelling at . It was a business man and it looks like he accidentally bumped into that man.

" I'm sorry sir " says the business man.

" No fucking sorry u bumped into me u piece of shit " yell the man.

I look at the little boy and see that he is watching and looks scared , looking at him made me feel angry at the two grown men. I reached out and covered the boys eyes giving him a hug , then I cover his ears.

" Oh shut up and get over it he bumped into you so what it's a crowded train deal with it" I yelled at the man " and cursing in front of a child you make me sick and u dare to call yourself an adult quit the fighting now before I remove you from my sight " I looked at him with my famous " I'll rip your soul into shreads " - look .

The man immediately shuts up when he looks at me . I remember the child so I looked at him and I see him clinging on to me crying.

" what's wrong ? " I asked him

" I'm scared and I have no home to go to I'm all alone and scared" he told me between sobs .

I looked at him and felt so bad, I live alone so I wouldn't mind an extra person.

" hey how about I take you home with me I can be your new mom , ok? Would you like to come live with me " I told him.

" can I ? " he asks looking at me.

" of course u can, now what's your name ? " I asked .

" Tien " he said.

" Tien how nice, I like it but at home its Naruse that will be your family nickname, my name is Ezra but my family calls me Suki " I said.

" why Suki " Tien asked.

" well my family knows how much I like Japanese culture or Asian things in general and suki means "like" or "i like" and well I like a lot of things " I answered.

" oh that makes sense " Tien said " so that means u will love me a lot ? "

" yes I will " I told him.

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