Beneath the mask

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Snape sat alone in his dimly lit office, the dimming candlelight casting long shadows across the stone walls. The soft hum of the enchanted ceiling of Hogwarts, queit and comforting, was the only sound that broke the silence. His black robes, as dark as his past, hung heavily on his thin frame. He was a man of many faces: stoic, cold and feared. But tonight, he let his mask slip.

He rarely allowed himself this kind of vulnerability. It isn't useful to dwell on the past. But here, in silence, it was unavoidable. His mind, as sharp as it was, could never forget the horrid memories of the faces of the dead, the faces he had loved, haunted him like ghosts wherever he went. Especially her, Lily.

Lily Evans, his beautiful Lily had been the light in his bleak, colorless world. The memory of her smile was seared into his mind, a painful reminder what could've been, if only he had made different choices. If only he hadn't let his bitterness consume him. Her laughter ringed it in his ears, although he hadn't heard it in years, not since she had been taken from this world from his own fatal mistake.

A single tear slipped down his cheek. Tears were a weakness, and Severus Snape was not allowed to be weak. He was the feared Potions Master, the double agent who walked the line between dark and light, pretending to serve two masters at the same time. Every day was a battle to uphold the lie, to carry the weight of his choices without collapsing underneath them.

But it was the loneliness that suffocated him the most. No one understood the torment he lived through. Not Dumbledore, who saw him only as a pawn in the grander scheme of things. Not his students, who saw him as nothing more than a cruel, distant teacher. And certainly not Harry Potter, the boy who reminded him so painfully of both his greatest love and his greatest enemy. To Harry, Severus was nothing more than a shadow of malice and bitterness. The boy would never know the depth of Snape's sacrifice, or the love that had driven him to protect him from the very thing that had torn his heart apart.

Every interaction, every cold glance, every harsh word was a wall he built around himself to protect the broken man inside. But when the silence returned, and the night fell, those walls crumbled.

Severus often found himself staring into the flickering fire, hoping for some kind of comfort from its warmth, but it offered none. The truth was, he had condemned himself long ago. He had made the wrong choice when it mattered most, when Lily's life had hung in the balance. And though he had pledged to protect her son, to honor her memory, it was a task that filled him with unending sorrow. The boy's very existence was a living reminder of Severus's failure—his failure to save the only person who had ever truly mattered to him.

In the quiet hours, his fears gnawed at him. What if, in the end, his efforts were for nothing? What if Harry failed? What if everything he had done, every risk he had taken, every scar he bore on his soul, was in vain? These were the thoughts that kept him awake at night, pacing the cold stone floors of his office while the rest of the world slept peacefully, oblivious to the storm within him.

And then there was the fear of being forgotten. Severus Snape had spent his life in the shadows, and he knew that when he died, he would die there too—alone, unwept, unknown. His heroism, if it could even be called that, would be overshadowed by his cruelty. The sacrifices he made would be buried beneath the memory of the man who sneered at students and handed out detentions without mercy. No one would know the truth of his heart, the truth of why he had done what he had done. No one would mourn him.

Except for maybe one. But she was long gone, beyond the veil of death, and he would never see her again.

The candle on his desk flickered, its flame weak and sputtering, much like the last threads of hope within him. He allowed himself one more moment of weakness, closing his eyes and letting the tears fall freely, unseen by any who might judge him. His shoulders shook silently with the weight of his despair.

He had spent his life hiding in the shadows, and now, the shadows were all he had left.

There was no redemption for Severus Snape, not in this world. His love for Lily had not saved him, and his sacrifices would not redeem him. His life had been one of loneliness, regret, and endless fear—fear that in the end, nothing he had done would matter. Fear that, despite everything, he would remain what he had always been: alone.

As the candle finally extinguished itself, plunging the room into darkness, Severus sank into the depths of his own sorrow, where no one could follow, and no one could save him.

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