Robird vs Real Robin

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     Ever since Firefly got a Robird plushie Firefly always cuddle with it, hold it even she and Robin spending time together, hold it everytime when she's in home and even when they're on a date.

   This behavior did not go unnoticed by Robin. As they spent time together, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy every time she saw Firefly holding the plushie.She attempted to brush it off, thinking that it was just a plushie after all. But as the behavior continued, Robin's feelings of jealousy deepened. She started to wonder if Firefly preferred the plushie over her, and if her own company was not enough anymore.

   The jealousy and insecurity consumed Robin's mind, and she began to doubt her worth compared to the plushie. Each time Firefly held the plushie close, it felt like a punch to Robin's heart.

   She wanted to confront Firefly about it, but she was afraid. What if she was overreacting? What if Firefly would think she was being silly for feeling jealous over a plushie?

"Why am I jealous over a plushie? That is so silly of me.." Robin murmured to herself while look at Firerly who's cuddle with a plushie bird version of her. Do Firefly really prefer the plushie over her?

   The more Robin thought about it, the more ridiculous she felt. She tried to rationalise her feelings, telling herself that it was just a plushie, and that it wasn't a real person competing for Firefly's affection.

   But the green-eyed monster of jealousy continued to gnaw at her, and no matter how much she tried to convince herself that it was a silly thing to be jealous about, she couldn't shake off the feeling.

"Ugh, I'm being so stupid," Robin whispered, trying to suppress her jealousy.

   She continued to watch Firefly sleeping besides her, but her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the plushie. It was so unfair. How could a stuffed toy be more appealing than her? She was real, she had feelings, and yet, here she was, feeling threatened by a damn plushie.

  Robin tried to brush it off, but her jealous thoughts kept intruding. She glanced at Firefly once more, still clutching the plushie, and felt a pang of envy. She longed to be the one in Firefly's arms, not some lifeless piece of fabric.

   Feeling frustrated, Robin decided to try to subtly compete with the plushie for Firefly's attention. She leaned against Firefly, hoping that her presence would somehow make the plushie less appealing. As she rested her head on Firefly's shoulder, she found herself wishing that she could just rip the plushie away.

  Firefly who's still sleeping beside Robin didn't react at all. The plushie in her arm slowly fall from Firefly's arm, the plushie is so cute yes but do Firefly really prefer it over her own wife?

   Robin couldn't help but notice as the plushie slipped from Firefly's arm. She quickly grabbed it and held it up, studying the plushie closely.

"She really does prefer this over me," Robin murmured to herself, a look of disbelief on her face. She was torn between wanting to throw the plushie as far away as possible and clinging to it as a reminder that Firefly did love her.

"This is just... ridiculous," she muttered, shaking her head in frustration.

  Firefly open her eyes as she hear a voice and the first thing she see when she woke up is Robin. She noticed the plushie fall in the floor but she didn't take it, instead of that she come close to Robin and kiss her cheek as a morning greetings as everyday she do.

"Good morning wifey" Firefly greet her with a smile.

  Robin's heart skipped a beat as Firefly kissed her cheek. The sound of her voice saying "good morning wifey" warmed her heart, and for a moment, she forgot all about the plushie.

"Good morning, little bug" she replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. But then, her eyes flicked to the plushie on the floor, and the feeling of jealousy started to creep back in.

   Firefly noticed the way Robin look at the plushie she find it funny and adorable at the same times. Maybe she being unfair to Robin? Ever since she got the plushie she always cuddle with the plushie over her real wife.

"Oh, by that look I must say I'm being bit unfair, am I not?" She say with a chuckle as she look at Robin who's still stare at the bird version of her plushie.


   Robin felt her cheeks flush, realizing that Firefly had caught her eyeing the plushie with jealousy. Embarrassed at being caught, she tried to play it off cool, but her annoyance couldn't be concealed.

"What do you mean 'being a bit unfair?' You've been hugging that plushie nonstop lately," Robin retorted with a hint of bitterness in her voice. She crossed her arms and shot a disapproving look at the plushie on the ground.

   "Ah, Maybe I should repay you? How about morning cuddle?" Firefly offer Robin a cuddle.

  At least she offer a cuddle but Robin hoping Firefly will not hold the cuddle while they're cuddling. The plushie is really cute and Robin agree with it but it's lifeless, it can't move anywhere it's always free for a cuddle but Robin in another hand, is Firefly's own wife. She's a singer and sometimes they can't spend time together because Robin is busy with her performance and singer work. It's very unfair if the Robird plushie get a hug by Firefly and Robin didn't get it.

  Robin's grumpy expression softened a little at Firefly's offer. She really did want to cuddle with her beloved, but she was still annoyed by the plushie situation.

"Okay," she mumbled, trying to act nonchalant. "But can you not hold the plushie while we cuddle?"

"Mhm I promise" Firefly say and open her arm for Robin.

  It been so long- no it's just like 2-3 days Robin didn't get a cuddle from Firefly because of the Robird plushie. Surely it got a lot of Firefly's attention but now it didn't. Robin win.

  Robin tried to resist the satisfied smile from forming on her face as Firefly promised to not hold the plushie during their cuddle session.

She practically pounced onto Firefly, clinging to her and burying her face in her neck. The feeling of Firefly's arms around her was so comforting, and she relished the moment, when she glance at the plushie she feel like she had won some sort of invisible battle. She won Firefly's attention and the plushie lost.

"You're so silly wifey, you really jealous over a plushie?" Firefly say finding Robin vs The plushie funny yet it's so adorable how her beloved wife trying to win her attention even she know she will always win Firefly's attention.

"I'm not being silly.. it's just you paying attention to the plushie over your real wife" Robin say with a pouted on her face.

  Firefly let out a chuckle when she see Robin pouted it's so adorable. Robin being jealous over a plushie really make her wanting to laugh but she hold it and cuddling with her beloved wife, she being unfair and she know that. She should've pay her attention to Robin more than to the plushie.

"I'm sorry, is there anything I else I can repay that others than a cuddle?"

"Kiss me"

"If that what you want then okay, but you sure that's enough?"

"It's more than enough "

- The end:3

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