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June, what a lovely month. Where the sun hits your face and the beach waves clash with the sound of laughter. When days last longer and life feels lighter, summer weather truly is home to my memories.

My lovely memories in June, with June. When you would call me over all excited to play in the water, when we would buy popsicles and make bead bracelets. That bright smile on your face shines brighter than the sun in the sky, and when I look forward to hearing you laugh more than listening to songs on the radio.

June lit a fire in my heart, I didn't know could ignite. Made me feel a swirly something inside my belly and I didn’t know what it meant. June was my first love, though I didn’t know what love was and is ‘til this day I’m not certain of the definition of love, all I know is what I felt with you… that was love.

If you ask me what is love?
I would say June.

Snowflakes in JuneWhere stories live. Discover now