Safest place?

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In HP and the Sorcerer's Stone, Hagrid says to Harry, talking about Gringotts, the wizard bank, "There ain't no safer place, not one. Except perhaps Hogwarts" He was pretty much big time lying. Let's take a look.

Year one:
A humoungus, three headed dog, and Voldemort himself was in the castle for pretty much the whole year. Question: Why didn't Dumbledore just destroy the stone in the first place? Answer in the comments please.

Year two:
Giant killer snake in the basement. Yup. Was Dumbledore thinking Hmm, I'm just going to sit here and watch the mudbloods get petrified and die, even though I could warn them that there's a giant snake on the loose? Really? Why didn't he send the students home after the first attack? Answer in the comments..

Year three:
... Killer on the loose. Rat who's really a man. The man is sleeping in the same dormitory as Harry. He was actually sleeping with Ron. And Snape was right in Voldemorts inner circle. He should have known that Sirius was innocent. Did he just think, hmm I'm going to watch him die just because of an old grudge, even if he is innocent? Once again, tell me in the comments. Oh, not to mention, the Dementors, And Harry almost dies because of them.

Year four:
Really? Do I even need to say anything? Why didn't they just call off the tournament, and destroy the cup so the 'binding magical contract' wouldn't be a binding magical contract anymore? And Dumbledore lets Harry compete just because he thinks, hmmm I wonder Voldemort is up to? Well better let Harry compete in a contest where he might die to find out? Really?!?! Tell me what you think.

Year five:
Voldemort can now get into Harry's head... Dumbledore disappears for over half the year because... UMBRIDGE! Dumbledore is supposed to be this really smart guy. Why didn't he just overthrow whoever was in his office and stay at the school, where the students needed him, because Voldemort is back!

Year six:
Dumbledore dies. Because of Snape. And Snape has been there all along. And of course, the room of requirement. The vanishing cabinet. No. Just, no.

Year seven:
Full blown war at Hogwarts.

I now come to my conclusion. Hagrid, Hogwarts is not safe, at all.

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