Volume 9 Chapter 3: Crashout

274 11 103

Tokyo, Japan
VP's Quarters/Horikita's Room
Tuesday, February 4th, 2020


Me {After talking about the rumors about me, Honami stood by my side watching me cook. It was quite relaxing, I like having her around. Her presence is soothing. We were still holding hands at this point}

Honami [Nagi-kun, I didn't know that you liked to cook]

Me {She questioned my sudden obsession with cooking}

Me [For me, it's calming. I feel like I can pour all of my emotions into my food... Ah, sorry I didn't mean to bore you with that]

Honami [Not at all, I like hearing you talk]

Me {She then leaned her head onto my arm. I think it was supposed to be my shoulder, but I'm too tall for that. Changing the subject I asked her a question}

Me [Do you like to cook, Honami?]

Honami [Ah, Me? Not really, but I guess I like baking]

Me [Baking is another form of cooking, well I read that from a book from the library]

Me {It was a book that Shiina and I read together long ago. Now that I think about it, I haven't read with her in a while. I should go and make time for her}

Honami [Then why don't we bake together sometime!]

Me {Cooking is a way for me to express myself...But can I really share my pain, thoughts, and feelings with someone else?}

Me [... I think I can give it a try]

Honami [Great!]

Me {I said "I" instead of "we", because I know she can give it a try but I can't. Can I really trust my friends? Suddenly a phone notification rang throughout the room, judging by the ringtone it's mine}

Me [Honami, can you check what that was, I don't want to be interrupted while cooking]

Honami [Okay]

Me {She let go of my hand and went towards the bedroom where my phone was}

Honami [Do you want me to read it out loud?]

Me [Sure]

Me {It's not like I have anything to hide. So it doesn't matter if she goes through my text messages}

Honami [It's from Horikita-San, she's asksing if you could come to her dorm room. It seems like she wants to talk with you about something important]

Me {Horikita. Is she in trouble?}

Me [Ask her what time?]

Me {Out of habit, I asked Honami to ask her what time does she want to meet up}

Honami [She said seven O'clock. And it's a quarter until seven]

Me [... Okay, tell her I'll be right there]

Honami [Alright]

Me {After turning off the stove I took off my apron, well Honami's apron, and I handed it back to her}

Me [Sorry, again. I thought that it was mine, although it was quite tight. Sorry if I stretched it out]

Honami [As I said earlier Nagi-kun it's fine. And I like spending my time with you, after all I have a lot more free time nowadays.]

Me [Really, then I should start spending more time with you then]

Honami [Yes! Ahh, Well, only if you want to]

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