Chapter 18

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Aidan hesitated as if hovering at the edge of his bed. He was sure that if someone saw him at that moment, he would look like a great bird getting ready to take flight.

The truth was, he no longer wanted to go to sleep. Thomas's stories haunted him. He'd gone along with it in the end, just to appease the man, but there was no way they were true.

Shapeshifters didn't exist in the real world. If shapeshifters didn't exist, then neither did Guardians. So, Thomas was officially a crazy person. That also meant that he wasn't a Soul Guide, right?

He needed to do something other than lay in bed and stare at the ceiling tile. He pulled the ottoman that lounged in front of the fireplace over to the window.

Soul Guide? Soul guide.... This point stuck out like a sore thumb and started the massive swirling loop of information all over again.

First of all, what the hell was that vision he had on stage? And could anyone deny that the house didn't exist in reality? It was an odd coincidence that the same evening, his dad video-called him with the deed to that very same house with the ridiculous old-fashioned chimney. If he had to live even one more day feeling like he wasn't himself when he woke up in the morning.... Why was that dream just out of reach, but was super important? Every time he reached out to grasp it, its elusiveness increased. All it did was give him a massive headache.

Yesterday, he woke up frozen, standing in the bathroom. That happened. How he got there was somewhat beyond him, but for Thomas's odd explanation: There was a ghost named Eleanor sharing his body. Preposterous!

So, if he really was a Soul Guide and had dreams of spirits that were stuck in this world and needed assistance moving on to the next, then that would mean Thomas was a Guardian and a shapeshifter.

But, THAT couldn't be true.

And so he came full circle again.

The moonlight touched icy fields and caused them to sparkle. It touched the tips of trees and caused weird skeletal shadows on the courtyard below. He watched for any signs of life, but the night was cold and still as if waiting for the embrace of a long lost friend.

He still wasn't used to it. The missing sounds of traffic left an uncomfortable itch under his skin.

Was Thomas a shapeshifter?

Was it his imagination, or did the temperature dip?

He didn't want to fall asleep, but maybe it would be better to huddle on the bed under the blankets than be exposed the way he was. He stood up decisively and crawled into it piling all of the covers on until all that peaked out was his nose.

Sleep would mean dreaming. If Thomas was right, then he would become someone named Eleanor and reenact a part of the reason she was stuck here. If that was the case, he could sleepwalk. He could commit suicide, or at least his body would.

IF it was true, he didn't want to be a part of it. "So, the best solution is to just lay awake all night under the covers, safe from the things that go bump in the night."

"Did ye say something?" Thomas's voice came through the wall clearly.

"Nothing. Nothing." Aidan spoke louder this time.

A rustling of blankets came from next door followed by the padding of quiet feet.

"You don't need to come over," Aidan spoke loudly, hoping to convey sincerity.

It was too late. Thomas already opened his bedroom door. Light from the hallway spilled into the room.

"How is it that your footsteps barely make a sound?" Aidan realized that he never heard Thomas's footsteps before.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28 ⏰

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