The life always gets harder when you gets weaker,
The life always messes up when you stresses up,
Life is not a game, it's a soulful play, that inspires and creates stories from head to world.
It's not just a story or a chapter, it's even larger than encyclopaedias, and more informative than any spiritual leader.
Life teaches everything in its own way, with examples and situations, all you need to do is to connect the dots to understand its language.
Life is an enormous roller coaster in which we have to ride till the end without any seatbelt or helmet. We have to face many ups and downs to complete this ride.
some unspoken conversations
Non-Fictiona novel that talks about the inner trauma and thunderstorms of mind filled with questions, unspoken things in our mind that we are willing to ask someone but we don't. life is full of circumstances, this book can wake you up to reality