Chapter 1

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The sun shines through my curtains with a warm feeling to it, and it feels like a summer night that's not to hot and not to cold but just right.........wait i don't have curtains that you can see through, i have the one's that make the whole room dark so i can get my sleep better, and to have an excuse to say i slept in on accident.........wait what? I'm just kidding....maybe.

I sit up really fast and look around the unfamiliar room, i have blankets and pillows all around me, the queen size bed I was laying on is really comfortable.......thats not the point....i don't have a queen sized bed, so where did this one come from over night?

I feel like I'm holding something in my hand and i look down to see the key still in it from last night.......what?

Why is the key still the same out of everything in this room.......and me of course, but still.

How did i get here? Did i get kidnapped, no wait drugged then kidnapped....yeah.....or i could sleep walk, I don't think i sleep walk, and if i did how did i get here in someones house without them knowing it.....which leads me back to being kidnapped.

The key wouldn't still be here in my hand though if i was kidnapped so i can check that off my list, but sleepwalking? I don't sleep HOW is my only question at this moment.

I get up from the bed carefully to make sure if i was kidnapped (even though i probably wasn't) then i don't want them to know I'm awake, Because in the movies if they see your awake....that's when everything goes down, and not in a good way.

I go over to the window and look out to see a beautiful sky full of clouds and buildings that are very tall, but I'm up in the air with them, wow this is pretty, wait i don't live in a city.

I guess i didn't realize how high up i now.

I look down and out the window to see the busy street full of cars driving in a hurry to get where they need to go, I'm guessing a week day, is it always like this in the city though? Because if it is then it could be any day right now.

Just looking out this window makes me a nervous reck, i hate the feeling of falling to my that was deep.

I go over to the bed again just to make myself a little more comfortable about the window thing and sit down on it confused i look over to see a clock on a desk and it reads 1230pm.

Did i really sleep that long? I never do that, i usually just sleep till 10am.

Okay not the point right now jasmine!!!! The thing i should be worried about is that I'm in someone's house, and i shouldn't be...i should be home eating and on the that sounds nice right now, and super lazy.

I look over at the door that I'm guessing leads to the rest of the place and i see a date on a calendar, but that can't be right, that has not been changed in a long time, nope that is not possible, it can't be, how, what?


Okay, Okay, everything will be fine!!! It's just a dream, it's not real, even though it feels pretty freaken real.

Think back jasmine what happened in the last 24 hours.

As i played another part of me loud on my ipod that was on shuffle and connected to my speakers witch made it 10 times, no 14 times louder for my entertainment........and also to just annoy my neighbors because of the childish side of me.

I was doing everyday chores and dancing around like you would see in a movie, out of a habit from growing up, lets just say my mom love's and lives a clean house and if not clean, then PERFECT.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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