60 things to say when people ask how my boobs are so big

28 3 12

1) Puberty.

2) fairy dust (thanks for this one @eliza-phancakes lololol)

3) SEX.

4) Potatoes

5) Screamo music

6) the obvious reason... DEADLIFT.

7) Something to do with chocolate cake

8) McDonalds

9) Obama.

10) Sugar

11) Toilet paper.

12) ya know, these are real and I didn't do anything to get em this big, right?

13) THE PUMP (Eliza again :P)

14) Just shake em. Just shake em like it's an earthquake.

15) San Francisco because Matt Nathanson and Train. .

16) Pink shirts

17) If you wear a sports bra a size to small it can make them swollen and sore tbh but don't do that

18) NeverShoutNever

19) Jason Derulo (he talks dirty to me ;3)

20) sock monkeys


22) Overly stuffed bras

23) Cats


25) warm objects

26) anime

27) sheets

28) Beyoncé

29) Oreo

30) pillows

31) I still have 29 more to go

32) alcohol

33) Oliver Sykes

34) Christofer Drew

35) Ya know find your OWN Gary and I dunna your boobs will grow ?

36) have you tried having your period..?

37) Doors.

38) more doors.

39) another door

40) 3 doors down

41) brown eyeshadow

42) idk what the fuck I'm saying

43) every now and then a donut

44) wallpaper

45) paint

46) woods helps too

47) morning wood (if ya know what I mean

48) that's right morning wood to build a chicken coop or something

49) eggs

50) 10 more to go

51) flower petals mhm

52) shots in your tits that helps a lot I get them every month (I'm joking Gawd)

53) the 30th of every month; every Ping Ding should sing the chorus of their favorite song

54) that was supposed to say 20th but 30th is good too so every 30th

55) pillow cases

56) cupcakes

57) a whisk or two

58) videogamessssssss

59) llamas

60) catnip on a scratching post


But seriously, I didn't do anything to get my boobs like this. They're naturally this size and you can deal with it. All I did was have a period each month. TADA

Bai :3

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