1 "Bad Burgers"

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Lisa in the photo above*


"Hey! I ordered a Double Burger with no onions, and what are these right here? Onions! Get your shit together you dumb bitch!" Yelled a rude customer. I grabbed the burger and apologized taking it to the back. I picked the onions from the burger before putting the buns back on. "Sorry miss, here's your burger." I said as I handed her the freshly wrapped burger. "Thanks dumb ass." The lady replied before walking away with her two other kids.

I turned to my co-worker Ta'Nisha who was shaking her head at me. "Ha, I don't know how you do it Lee, I would have snatched that heffa by the neck and took off. She wouldn't want these problems." I nodded but didn't reply. I'd known Ta'Nisha for about two and a half months and as far as I knew she lived for violence and always wanted to get into a fight. I on the other hand felt more comfortable sitting back and observing.

"Whatchu' doing Afta dis?" She questioned. I squinted my eyes before replying to her twisted grammar. "I'm going to apply for financial aid at the college." I said checking the clock. Ten more minutes until noon and I was free to go.

"Ok girl I see you, but you should come chill at my house, I'm having a little kick back." She smirked playing with her long acrylic nails. I shook my head no and she smacked her lips. "Bitch you never go anywhere, come on I'll text you when and where it's at. Yo ass better show up too or Ima beat yo ass tomorrow. Believe dat!" She said smacking her gum causing some of the customers eating inside to glance at her in annoyance. I sat back down before nodding my head yes, even though I got sick to my stomach when I was around lots of people I didn't know.

Once it was noon I clocked out and walked out the door so fast I felt like flash. I took out the keys to my cherry Mazda MX-5. It was the only thing besides a few hundred thousand I was granted from my grandmother's will. Except I couldn't get the money until I turned 18, so this was actually the only thing I had received. Sliding into the drop top car, I took off speeding down the highway towards the college to try and get financial aid to be able to pay for the rest of my books and classes.

Once I got to the college I parked and got out. As soon as I went to close the door of my car some reckless driver sped past parking directly next to me. "Hey!" I yelled jumping back into the car. The women in the car laughed loudly and got out the car slamming the car doors.

"Aye bitch! Don't be slamming my shit fuck wrong with y'all!" A tall dark-skinned man came out the car with no shirt. His long dreads hung loosely in the ponytail he wore. "You almost hit me." I snapped as I walked up to the fool. He had no right to have a license, and had the nerve to have a "how's my driving?" Sticker on the car. Well I'll tell you, it was horrible.

He glanced my way and pulled out a cigarette thing except it was long and brown all around. "Okay but did you die though?" He asked nonchalantly. "Obviously not, I-" he stick his finger up and pushed my head back away from him. "Then fuck out my face." And just like that he walked back into his car and sped off as quickly as he came.Who in the hell raised his rude self?

When I walked into the office they told me that I couldn't afford my books. Which I was very aware of considering I was here, in the student aid line, turning in a paper specifically for financial aid.

"You must be hard at hearing young lady, I told you that you had to turn it into this lady over here." She spoke rolling her eyes. This mean old bag of poo' kept telling me to go into the other long line to turn in My forms. Her lazy self just didn't want to do all the filing and aid planning. "Can't you just do it? You and that lady work in the same department." I said rolling my eyes.

"I could but not with that attitude." She snarled. "You're the only one with an attitude." I spoke getting angry. I'd spent two hours in the line and here she was telling me to move again? I refuse.

"Get out of my face before I call security." She smirked looking at her ugly nails. "That's why you smell like tilapia." I snapped walking off. "Ya pussy ho!" She yelled back. "Ms. Daniels, My office!" Spoke some man. Many students in the building laughed, getting a recording of the whole thing.

Seriously, my day couldn't get any worse.


"Where's the rest of my money?" I said. This bitch in my office thought she could take some money from me without me noticing. "Daddy I swear, I swear on the lord himself I don't know where it's at!" Coca said in her annoying accent. She was one of the new one's I'd bought for 2000 pesos from a group of amateur niggas.

"If you don't got it who does?" She smiled quickly before answering. "It was Mena! She's been taking it for months!" I nodded and shot her in the neck. "We don't snitch around here." I laughed and kicked her over.

There was a knock on the door and I glanced at the clock noticing it was going on four. I had a meeting with some bean head ass nigga. "Come the fuck in." I yelled. The door swung open and this nigga Tee came in smiling wide.

Tee was a light skin nigga who swore up and down he knew how he was gone pay me my money. His ho ass daddy didn't pay the fee, so when I had him killed the debt went to his only son.

"Just tell me what you got to tell me. And get the fuck on." He sat down and began talking. "Okay I know a girl who got about a two mil coming in the next 6 months. That's more than I need to pay off. So let me tell you what I'm thinking. We take her, you wait till she get her lil check. Then you sell her to one of the Jamaican niggas for a pretty penny and make even more." He smirked.

I nodded and thought about it. "Two mil?" "Two mil!" He smiled. I said "Okay" and thought about how I could go about doing this without the family asking around and having a search party for her.

"Listen and listen well. I want that bitch here by next week. Friday at 1pm exactly. Nine days. That's how much time I'm giving you to bring her here."

"You got it; she trusts me so it won't be a problem to get her here, shit I can bring her in by tonight." He smirked cockily. He thought he was just that nigga. But I didn't mind, cause as soon as I got my money; his lame ass was under grass.

"Whatever get the fuck out my office. And remember if she not here in nine days, you're out the picture and Ima get her myself." I said counting money. "Yeah okay." He laughed. He thought I was joking. Just cause we were cousins don't mean he wouldn't get got.

A/n: Okay, I actually feel confident writing this story compared to the other one ("Dear Kenny") where I had no idea what I was doing or where I wanted that story to go. I have a pretty good idea as to where this one is headed. I don't plan on making this particular book extra long because I've planned a series of events that will make the second book a hit.
Please take into consideration that I am not a professional writer and I don't plan to be one when I get older so there may be mistakes, wattpad is a way I express myself and spread my opinions because I don't usually do so in my social life. If I'm doing something wrong or you have corrections feel free to do so but in a respectful manner because I am human and I do have feelings! That goes for the comments too please be mindful of the other readers reading, if you have something to say that may hurt someone because of their sexual orientation, religious beliefs or traditions; be careful of how you word it. (I love comments and feedback, don't be scared to give it your full thought! I find it helpful!) anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter and the others to come.
Lol I'm done now :)

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