dialog #1

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Kankri: We 6egin 9n Christmas Eve with me, Kankri, and my r99mmate, Cr9nus. We live in an industrial l9ft 9n the c9rner 9f 11th street and Avenue 6, the t9p fl99r of what was 9nce a music pu6lishing fact9ry. 9ld r9ck 'n' r9ll p9sters hang 9n the walls. They have Cr9nus' picture advertising gigs at C6G6's and the Pyramid Clu6. We have an illegal w99d 6urning st9ve; its exhaust pipe crawls up t9 a skylight. All 9f 9ur electrical appliances are plugged int9 9ne thick extension c9rd which snakes its way 9ut a wind9w. 9utside, a small tent city has sprung up in the l9t next t9 9ur 6uilding. Inside, we are freezing 6ecause we have n9 heat.

(He turns the camera to Cronus)

Kankri: Smile!

KANKRI: Decem6er 24th, Nine PM. Eastern Standered time. Here 9n in I sh99t with9ut a script see if anything c9mes 9f it. Stead 9f my 9wn- First sh9t Cr9nus, tuning the fender guitar he hasnt played in a year.

CRONUS: this vwont tune

KANKRI: S9 we hear. He is just c9ming 6ack, fr9m half a year 9f withdrawl.

CRONUS: you talking to me?

KANKRI: N9t at all, are y9u ready, h9ld that f9cus, steady, tell the f9lks at h9me, what y9ur d9ing cr9nus

CRONUS: im vwriting one great song-

KANKRI: The ph9ne rings.

CRONUS: saved!

KANKRI: We screen, z99m in 9n the answering machine.

♋: That was a very loud beep, i dont even know if this is working. Kankri Kankri, are you there? are you screening your calls? its dad. We wanted to call and say we love you! and we'll miss you tomorrow.Karkat and the gang is here, send their love. Oh, i hope you like the hot-plate! Just dont leave it on dear when you leave the house. Oh and Kankri! We're sorry to hear that Meenah dumped you i say c'est la vie. So let her be a lesbian! there are other fishies in the sea. Love dad!

KANKRI: Tell the f9lks at h9me, what y9ur d9ing Cr9nus.

CRONUS: im vwriting one great song-

KANKRI: the ph9ne rings.

CRONUS: yessss

KANKRI: We screen

KURLOZ: Chessnuts roasting.


Kurloz: Im downstairs.

KANKRI: hey!

KURLOZ:  Cronus picked up the phone?

KANKRI: N9 its me!

KURLOZ: Throw down the key.

KANKRI: A wild night is n9w pre-9rdained

KURLOZ: ....I may be detained.

KANKRI: What d9es he mean? What d9 y9u mean "detained?"

RUFIOH: Ho ho ho.

CRONUS & KANKRI: Rufi9h, Shit!

RUFIOH: Dudes 1m on my way.

CRONUS & KANKRI: Great! Fuck

RUFIOH: 1 need the rent.

KANKRI: What rent?

RUFIOH: Th1s past years rent wh1ch 1 let sl1de.

KANKRI: Let slide?! Y9u said we were g9lden, when y9u 69ught the 6uilding.

CRONUS: Vwhen vwe vvwere roomates. Remember? You liwved here.

RUFIOH: How could 1 forget, you, me, Kurloz, and Meenah. How 1s the drama-queen.

KANKRI: Shes pref9rming t9night.

RUFIOH: 1 know. St1ll a product1on manager?

KANKRI: Tw9 days ag9 I was 6umped.

Rufioh: You st1ll dat1ng her?

Kankri: Last m9nth I was dumped.

Cronus: Shes in lowve

Rufioh: She got a new man?

Kankri: well--n9

Rufioh: Whats h1s name

Cronus & Kankri:  Aranea.

Rufioh: Rent, my am1gos 1s due, or 1 w1ll have to evict you. see you 1n a few.

Kankri: The p9wer 6l9ws.

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