Chapter 1: Look who we have here

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"Hey mom my school supply list and      schedule came in the mail" 

"Okay , sweetie feel free to open it."

Okay, Kade you can do this,why are you being nervous it's not a report card, and even if it was it'd probably have straight A's like always. Focus, just open the envelope . 

I look over my schedule and flip to the back and saw my supply list.

"Mom the supply list is so weird"

" What do you mean darling?"

"They don't want certain colors for subjects,or specific brands, not even a binder and folder for each subject."

That's when my older brother Kai comes down stairs, he about 5'11" with dark brown hair, almost black,he's pretty built, but before he turned his life around he was fat, and very unhealthy looking with bags always under his eyes. 

" Lil' sis Public School is a whole new world, with big opportunities  and even high school its self is awesome, but combine it with public School, it's a great experience..."

That's when my mom looks down and Kai kinda loosens his posture,

" That is of course if you don't mess up like me."

He walks out of the kitchen and down the hall, passing my dad, who seems pretty happy for a Monday morning.

"Hey kiddo, is that your schedule?"

"Yeah, and my supply list, it seems very different and..."

I get cut off by a ringtone, my dads. He kisses my mom on the fore head and mouths I got to go, see you guys at dinner. Then he walks out the door in his suit with a brief case, like every Monday through Friday, Leaves at 7 and comes home at 7, but it does vary depending on if he has meetings or travels, but truly in the house it's always my mom, Kai sometimes goes out, me, oh and speaking of the devil, Kendall my little sister.

"Hi mommy, hi Kade, Where's Kai?"

" Hi my darling how did you sleep, and what dreams did you have?"

Ugh I roll my eyes, they do this every morning it's too early even for me, although she did do the same routine with me, and since Kendall is only 4 it makes since.  

     I decide to go up stairs and get changed to go on a run, at my old school I ran for cross-country, played Field hockey and in my spare time I'd go to the barn to ride my Horse Kacper { pronounced like Casper, but my family has a thing for "K" names}. I pick up my tennis shoes and put on black Adidas shorts but they look like gym pants and there only 3 inches from my knee, along with a green Adidas top, that is made from the sweat material and it covers my shoulders and my chest. I yell down stairs saying I'm leaving.

I walk the down stairs and my mom asks the usual questions

- Where are you going?

The hike trail up Mount Amber

-When will you be back?

Around 10 

- Is anyone going with you? 

- Yes, I'm going with Saige Gree

I get asked those questions with the same answer each time, I'm just glad no one knows how strict my parents are.

My mom hands me a walkie talkie and a water bottle * reusable, because plastic  is dangerous * and I'm out the door.


" Saige, did you get your schedule for high school yet?"

" Kade I'm going to a different school, the private school, which starts earlier than public school, like next week."

" Oh sorry, I forgot Joan's Catholic school starts earlier than, North star high."

" It's not only North star, all public schools in the same county start at the same time, you better get used to that."

   We are getting higher up the mountain and I start to see the fog roll away, we stop at the bench and take a break, we do this every day except on Sunday when we go to church, and it's our rest day. 

  I see a look into Saige's eyes and I can tell she's got something on her mind. 

"Saige what's the matter? Don't say nothing because I can tell because your arms weren't as tucked in today."

" You know me so well Kade" she says with a laugh. "I just hate that we are going to different schools, I mean we've known each other for 10 years, I'm just afraid that we will drift apart and get busy, and.."

I cut her off but I start to realize that too, it didn't really cross my mind until now.

" Look what we are doing right now, we have been running 6 days a week since 4th grade, we can still do it when school starts and we will, you are my best friend and we will stay best friends.

She blushes which turns her pale skin bright pink and she smiles showing her straight white teeth and comes in and hugs me, and practically yells in my ear

"Thank you"

Then she lets go real quickly and it concerns me but before I even realize what happened I hear her scream: "Last one down has to buy the smoothies!"

I smile and take off leaving only dust behind me, but I start to get nervous thinking about what she said.

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