Volume 9 Chapter 4: Triangle Of Trust

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Tokyo, Japan
Friday, February 14th, 2020


Me {I got a text from Sakura saying that we could meet up in the corridor. I walked out of the classroom and made my way there}

Sakura [...Sorry for keeping you waiting, Ayanokouji-kun]

Me [It's fine, it's not like I had anything to do in particular]

Sakura [That's good...Well, I don't mean it like that]

Me [You're fine, Sakura]

Sakura [So... I wanted to ask you how I could spend more time with Nagi-Kun!..]

Me {So this is what it's about?}

Me [You want to spend more time with Yoshida?]

Sakura [Ah, Yes. Do you know of anything that I can do?]

Me [Not really..]

Me {One thing came to mind}

Me [He likes to cook, maybe try to cook something with him. And you can take pictures or something]

Sakura [That's a good idea. Thanks Ayanokouj-kun]

Me [Uh huh]

Tokyo, Japan
Nagi's dorm/School grounds
Saturday, February 15th, 2020


Me {February 15th. Last year, today I spent all of the pocket money I had saved up and bought some food to eat with Suzune. This year, I plan on baking a cake for her with—}

Honami [—Nagi-Kun~.]

Me [Yes, what is it Honami?]

Honami [I preheated the oven already, what else do we need?]

Me [I've already made the whipped cream, so please go and taste test it for me]

Honami [Okay]

Me {I watched as Honami got a taste testing spoon and dipped it into the whipped cream bowl. She took it out and stuck it in her mouth}

Me [Is it good?]

Honami [Yes, try some]

Me {She took the spoon out of her mouth and put it in mine. It needs...more cinnamon. I grabbed the bottle of cinnamon and added a pinch into the bowl and mixed it}

Honami [Did it needed more cinnamon?]

Me [Yes.]

Honami [What else does it need Nagi-kun~?]

Me [I think that's fine for now....Question: you're acting different]

Honami [That's not a question Nagi-kun]

Me [That's true.]

Me {She's acting...I can't describe it it's hard to put into words. She's "touchy"? Is that a word, I fell like I'm her property...And I think I like it that way. She looked up at me with her sparkling blue eyes. Her hair, pink. I like that color}

Me [Honami]

Honami [Yes?]

Me [Thank you.]

Honami [Huh? For what?]

Me [For being you. You're a wonderful person Honami, I like being around you]

Me {Her cheeks became red. And her eyes softened}

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