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"What is wrong?" I asked my parents as they sat down on the couch across from me. They had told me to come down the stairs cause they had something to tell me. I thought they would have been gone by now, I was suppose be at the alley by now to meet up with some friends.

"Sit down," my father said pointing to the couch behind me. "No, just tell me what's going on!" I yelled. "Don't bitch on us right now and sit down," my mom told me and I obeyed.

"What's this about?" I asked again. I was very bewildered about this whole conversation. The atmosphere was thick and heavy as if I were about to be crushed by a ton of bricks.

"We know you have been sneaking out at night and drinking and doing drugs-" my dad began before I cut him off. "And how would you know that?" I asked looking between them.

"The doctor told us when you went for your blood test," mom told me and I sighed laying back in my chair. I never meant for them to find out. I told that bitch doctor not to tell them and she said it would be just between us.

"Okay, what are you going to do this time? Grounded? No phone, no laptop? Home school?" I asked listing off everything that came to my mind that my parents would do.

"No, we are sending you away to a boarding school down in Philadelphia where you will learn-" I cut him off again. "What? No, please you can't send me away," I pleaded and he just sighed looking down at his hands folded neatly on his lap.

"Mom?" I questioned and she just looked away. I couldn't believe they would send me away. I know how much I say that I hate living here and I'd rather much be better off somewhere else but I didn't mean it, I never mean it.

"Please, I'll be a better daughter and I'll bring my grades up," I suggested. "You are a straight A student, you're grades are perfect," mom told me. "Well, I'm in shock right now and I'll basically do anything to just change your minds. Why would you send me away?" I asked.

"Because of your behavior. Don't worry honey, you'll be back within a year or so. It's not forever," dad told me and I scoffed lightly.

"Why don't you just sign me up for therapy or something instead?" I suggested. "Honey, you don't need therapy," dad told me and I breathed fighting back the tears that would spill any second now.

"You're going and it's final. We signed the papers and the car is coming tomorrow to pick you up. Don't bother arguing, you're going," mom told me and I stood up.

"I'm sixteen, I don't need to be sent away! You just want to get rid of me cause you hate me. You've always hated me mom," my voice cracked. "I don't hate you! I'm doing this for your own good," she told me and I ran upstairs.

"You better start packing!" Mom called and I slammed my door locking it behind me. I was so sick and tired of her bull shit. I know this wasn't dad's idea. He looked so heart broken telling me and my mom looked as if she couldn't care less.

I pulled out a duffel bag and stuffed a bunch of clothes in before swinging it over my shoulder and throwing it out the window. I grabbed several other bags and got everything I need to live off of for awhile then grabbed my keys before climbing down an old vine and jumped down at the every last step. As you can tell, I've done with many times before.

I never thought of running away until now and I didn't even hesitate or think about it. I quietly went down the street to my car and started driving. I didn't know where I was going but I couldn't go far. I still had school and I had my job. I'll be living in my car for awhile before getting my own places.

My parents don't know I have a job, they think I'm clueless and useless. They don't know anything about me, I barley ever talk to them and I can't even remember when we had a proper family dinner.

I parked in the school lot and climbed in the backseat where I put down the seats and laid out a blanket and pillow. It wasn't the best thing but it was comfortable. Hopefully within a week they will change there minds.

"Hey! Waitress!" Someone called keeping me from my thoughts. It was this group of obnoxious teenagers that always come in and it gets annoying. I was used to them but now I barley see my friends anymore. This diner job sucks, because usually my friends would come and keep me company but they said I've changed and I'm like an old lady now. I've got way more important things to worry about than doing drugs and getting drunk.

I was about to go see what they wanted but another waitress went over to check on them. Even though I was their waiter, this girl could really tell I was miserable. I went back to wiping off the counter, making it seem like I knew what I was doing.

It's been a week since I ran away and they haven't called or sent anyone out to find me. The only time they called was for the school telling me I was going to miss my ride. They didn't even acknowledge the fact that I ran away and they didn't even seem worried. I hate thinking about the thought of them just wishing they never had me or the thought of them hating me. I say I hate them but I don't hate them and I don't want them to hate me either.

"Hey, they want you," the other waitress told me and I looked up from my stained table over at the booth of boys and one girl. "Good luck," She told me patting my back and wiping off the counter for me. I walked over with my note pad ready to take their order or whatever they needed.

"What?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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