Cold Smile

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His teeth chattered from the cold, it was so cold.

Moisture and ice streaked the wall in alarming qualities, even his water had a light frost upon it.

So very cold.

His breath clouded in front of his face, the village chief hadn't come to torment him in a few days since that day and he was starting to worry he'd run out of water as that was the only thing keeping him functioning.

Starvation, was not a fun thing.

The window was frozen over with ice and snow, making his tiny hole of a room very dark.

"Hello...?" Dream called.. hopefully, silence greeted him.

Fear gnawed at him, the human always responded with threats of hard.

The storm continued to rage outside.


He woke to silence, no wind, so sounds of snow or hail hitting the building.

Exhausted he got up, through blurry eyesight he could see overly bright sun coming through the edges of the ice.

He stumbled to the door knocking on it, his water was fully frozen and he needed it.
The knock was followed by a silence.

"Master?" he called, the human liked being called that, would reply even when almost blackout drunk.

The once Guardian was getting a bad feeling about this, he shifted and the chain rattled.

This could go so badly, but his bones had gotten so skinny from lack of magic. He shifted his leg a certain way and the chain clunked to the floor, he'd been planning to escape next time the human went to get drunk after the storm.

He dug around in the piles of rags in the corner, pulling out a nail that he had slowly pulled out of a wooden roof beam over several months and slowly used that to jimmy the door open.

It creaked open eerily, he winced at the sound almost stumbling about as he walked.

Owlishly he looked around, when had been the last time he'd been out of his prison.. right.. late summer. They'd given him enough magic high food to use his magic, wanting the villagers visitors to be too happy and make sure they got the best deals.

Pretty much robbing the Travellers blind by drugging them with positivity.

The house was dark, the only light coming from windows just as frozen as his prisons window.

Fearfully he crept through the house, it felt like one of the horror stories he'd heard some of the village children telling.

The humans bedroom was between the door out and his prison, he paused frowning realizing it was open.

His hands covered his mouth to muffle a scream, the only reason he didn't gag was because he didn't have anything in his stomach.

The human lay in there bed there flesh blue black frozen as there bedroom window had broken, they'd died in there sleep and smile cause by rigour-mortis on there face caused by the way they died.

He back away in his horror, rushing to the front door, slamming it open to a silent village.

He ran across the frozen ground, yelping as he tripped sending him stumbling into freezing mostly ice snow.

Dream pardon the pun froze when he saw what he tripped over, a grey frozen hand reaching out of the snow trying to reach for something.

At this point, likely trying to escape the storm.

He couldn't feel anyone's emotions in the village, this time of day there should be people everywhere.. noise, light...

He scrambled up and began running to terror, he didn't look back at the dead in more ways then one village.

Dream didn't come to his senses, till he found himself hiding in the small cave under the burnt out remains of the tree of feeling.

He more passed out, then fell asleep in cave.

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