Volume 10 Chapter 1: Drama

281 11 111

Tokyo, Japan
Class 1-B
Sunday, March 1st, 2020


Me {It was finally the first day of March, a few weeks after the end-of-term exams. Monday, the day where everyone was anxiously waiting for the results to be announced}

Yamauchi [Chabs-Sensei, are you going to announce the results now!?]

Me {Unable to sit still any longer, Yamauchi practically fell out of his seat as he waited for Chabashira's response}

Chabashira [Calm yourself. You'll know in a couple of minutes.]

Me {Chabashira, with practiced movements, spread out a large piece of paper she brought in on the blackboard}

Chabashira [Are you feeling confident Yamauchi?]

Yamauchi [Y-Yeah, of course, I studied pretty hard, but...]

Chabashira [You studied hard, huh? Yet you're still so uneasy?]

Me {She must've found his reply more amusing than surprising because she gave off a slight smile}

Chabashira [Sudo, you're usually apart of the below average bunch, so how are you feeling?]

Sudo [I'm feeling confident, after all Suzune helped me with my studies]

Chabashira [Oh?]

Me {The name "Suzune" sent shivers down my spine. She probably hates me, after I-I haven't talked with her since her birthday, I feel so terrible. I hate myself. My hands flew to my head, fingers tangling in my hair as I gripped it tightly. I started breathing heavily}

??? [Hey, are you okay?]

Me {Huh? I let go.}

Me {I heard a voice whisper to me, I looked for the voice. It came behind me, it was Ayanokouji. I gave him a slight nod. But before speaking again Chabashira looked at me, the look she gave me was different than her usual glares. This one felt like "You're almost there hang in there" kind of look, if that makes sense}

Chabashira [Hmm...It's pretty interesting to see how you kids have grown. There's no way to figure out what you'll accomplish next. Now I suppose I'll announce the results of your end-of-term exams]

Me {She began posting test results onto the paper on the blackboard. And after this, she would draw a red line across the results.}

Chabashira [The results this time—]

Me {With a red pen in hand, Chabashira pressed the tip against the paper and drew a horizontal line. No one. Everyone had passed}

Chabashira [—Everyone successfully passed the exam. These have been your best results so far]

Me {Everyone had passed. I smiled, a soft one}

Yamauchi [All right! Well, that wasn't too hard. Ha, that was a close one]

Me {My results though, Math: 75, Japanese History: 72, Science: 71, English: 100, and Social Studies: 67. With an average of 77 points, I was ranked 6th in the class. With my current mood, being unmotivated, and without luck the tests were a drag.}

Me {The people who were ranked higher than me was Hirata, Keisei, Kouenji, Horikita, and Mii-chan respectively. Hirata had got an average of 91 points and Mii-chan who had an average of 81 points}

Me {On the other hand you had the people who had barely passed. From lowest to highest it was Yamauchi, Hondo, Sato, Inogashira, Sakura, and Sudo. Yamauchi had an average of 48 while Sudo had an average of 64}

 The Lazy Defect, Year 1: (Classroom Of The Elite Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now