The scent of rain was prominent enough to be the first thing I was aware of when I woke up. Cold droplets fell on my face in an inconsistent rhythm and they prevented me from opening my eyes immediately after I became conscious.
Pain was etched deep into my bones, agony stretched my skin and all I wanted to do was roar to the high heavens for their insolence. But still, the pain was oh so sweet now that I could actually feel it. That I could feel something.
It was a strange thing, my situation.
I lay there on the cold, wet ground, in pain, in agony... unable to remember anything other than the previous few seconds.
I tried, really, I did, to remember anything, but I wasn't able to.
Slowly, a sense of panic crept into my blank mind and immediately my eyes snapped open. The gray sky above the forest was only helpful into pushing me deeper into the pit of panic that I couldn't escape from.
I didn't know where I came from. I didn't know my name. I didn't know how I got here.
I didn't know anything.
Eyesight sharpening, hearing intensifying, fangs growing, I sat up.
It proved to be a bad to sit up so suddenly when my head started spinning and my guts threatened to claw their way out of my insides. I sucked in a deep breath through my clenched teeth and shook through it, opening my eyes again.
Looking around myself I tried to find something to help me find out where I was, who I was, what I was. Nothing but dried leaves, trees and fallen branches.
And two pairs of boot clad feet.
A careful look revealed that their owners were indeed living beings, unfamiliar ones at that. though I probably shouldn't call things unfamiliar in my current state as my own ass was unfamiliar to me right now.
One man was smaller than the other, not by much, and they were both wearing heavy black clothes. And coming closer to me in a really uncomfortable pace.
Their steps were measured, cat like. Elegant and powerful, they were the kind of people I feared. And I knew that I knew why I would fear them, but I couldn't fucking remember. My mind was still keeping secrets from me. Keeping my well- being in front of it's fucking twisted games.
"You going to give us a reason to kill you?" The smaller one asked. I also noticed he had shorter hair. Huh.
Though I would imagine it was easy to have shorter hair than the big guy. His hair reached his waist, and it was braided very beautifully, if I may say so- no I may not say so myself, because I was in danger. Yes, danger.
Think Ni... Ni what goddamnit. No name. No clue. No nothing.
"I-" my voice cracked and it was only then that I noticed the taste of salt in my mouth. Like I swallowed a lot of seawater. But there was no sea close by. Or there was, what the fuck did I know.
I tried swallowing but that only made it worse. Then I tried to cough, but that made my head pound and my chest hurt and had the smaller man not crouched next to me and quickly caught me, I would've fell back onto the ground.
"Are we taking 'im back?" The bigger man asked. A British accent. They both had British accents. Maybe I was in Britain... but I didn't want to go with them.
Too bad I couldn't resist.
"We have to." the smaller one said, "You can carry him Demos, I'll get the stuff."
An affirmation by the big man, Demos, was the last thing I heard for a while. Darkness embraced me in its warm embrace and consciousness abandoned me to run off with the light.
A/N: A new story. Much requested. Yay.
I don't know how updates will work, or when the hell I'll update or if an update'll come in two days or two months. I'm not leaving the story hanging, but I'll see how it'll go haha.

Looking Blindly
RomanceWeak and in pain, Nicholas is powerless. From a strong man that knew himself to a helpless man who may find out that all the things he knew about himself, weren't all that true. And that he even may not want them to be. Life goes on, stories are to...