This ish truth..

18 4 2

People usually assume I'm mad at you. They'll say horrible things about you in attempt to make me feel better, but it doesn't help. They have no idea of how real our love was. They have no idea of how we felt. They don't know of all our plans we never got close to doing and how much your mother hurt us. How we wanted to kiss each other but always too scared, how I was lying about how much pain I was in because goddammit I wanted it to work. They have no idea of the love we lost that day. People don't understand that the worst break-ups don't end in hatred and abuse, the worst break-ups end in quiet, trembling voices admitting, "You know I love you, right?" And "I know, that's why this is so hard," and "I tried to make this work but I don't know how," and one little girl heading the one direction, trying to stop her tears before she drives off the road and one broken boy heading the opposite way, carrying her tears on his shoulder that she left when he whispered, "I wanted to steal the world for you," in her ear and their regret already slowly drowning them.

- Gary I got this off Google before you make any assumptions and assume it was about us because I'm not giving up and can't live without you

. •<3ILYSMG<3•

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