Volume 10 Chapter 2: Scacciare

221 11 70

Tokyo, Japan
Monday, March 2nd, 2020


Me {During our lunch break, The Ayanokouji group decided to take advantage of the free time to hold a discussion at the cafe}

Haruka [Ah Jeez, this totally sucks doesn't it? Forcing someone to drop out is like, what's the school even thinking?]

Me {Haruka let out an exasperated sigh as she poked a straw into her drink. Keisei was the first to respond}

Keisei [I agree. The most unforgivable thing for me is the fact that my classmates have to fight against one another. It's a complete 180 from how the exams we've had so far required cooperation. It's absolutely baffling]

Akito [I get you. Up until now, we've only gone up against the other classes. I would've never imagined a time where we had to expel one of our own classmates]

Me {Akito spoke up in agreement as well}

Akito [Just because there hasn't been a single expulsion? It seems like the school is trying to get rid of us]

Haruka [I wonder if there's really no secret trick to this exam. Yoshi~ you're a smart cookie. Surely you've thought of something?]

Me {For the first time in a while Yoshida actually attended our group meeting. He was sat directly across from me, gazing into my soul.}

Yoshida [No, I don't think there's any other possibility of evading expulsion. I think it's best if we just accept the fact that someone is going to be kicked out, right Ayanokouji?]

Me {Yoshida gave me a slight smile asking for my opinion. His tone of voice was more joyful, like how it was before the incident. He seemed truly happy.... But do I value Yoshida's happiness or my freedom more?}

Me [Hm]

Me {I gave him a slight nod agreeing with his statement. Having still hung onto a glimmer of hope, Haruka's expression turned grim}

Haruka [I guess there's no use in being optimistic this time. There'll probably be a harsh outcome awaiting us]

Airi [...It's possible that one of us will disappear this weekend]

Me {Not having said a word for quite some time, Airi shook her head anxiously. Her demeanor made it seem like she was unwilling to imagine such a future}

Akito [Keisei. Instead of silently waiting for the exam, there must be something we can do, right?]

Keisei [As Akito says, we have to be doing something to avoid expulsion. So, I have a suggestion. Why don't we come together and vote for each other]

Akito [By vote for each other, you mean using our praise votes on each other?]

Keisei [Yeah, I don't think any of us will rack up enough praise votes to take first place. But it could help us avoiding last place]

Me {With the 6 of us working together we all could definitely avoid coming in last place}

Airi [B-But is that okay? Sensei told us that it'd be a waste of time to try and control the votes like this]

Me {The ever-honest Airi spoke somewhat uneasily}

Haruka [That is true...]

Yoshida [Vote for whoever you feel like deserves praise or criticism. And I'll do my best to protect everyone here, are you okay with that Airi?]

Me {Yoshida spoke up declaring that he will protected the Ayanokouji group and he'll make sure that none of the members were to get expelled}

Airi [U-Uh, yes..I'm okay with that, Nagi-kun]

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