Instagram Scrolling

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***Reagan's POV***

Great. Summer vacation. It's not that I don't like it, it's just I never really do anything. To me, it's just boring. However, I really do like the break from school. I just finished sixth grade and it was fun I guess, being in the middle school and all. However, I did work really hard (that is for the lazy person I am) and it did pay off with me ending in a 96/100% for the whole year.

Today was in fact the first official day of summer vacation and I was literally sitting on my bed doing absolutely nothing because I have no life. Except for social media. That is my outlet. My go to place. I know I seem to young to have a fan account for the one and only Hayes Grier but that couldn't be farther from the truth. I do consider myself to be more, well, mature you could say opposed to my peers. Anyways, I decided to open up my Instagram.

Oh yaya, and yes, this time I'm actually excited. I just got a few comments and likes, I love my followers so much. Oh hey someone commented saying to check out an account, cool! It reads "Follow @/romeobechaam he's the real thing💖" I just had to check it out, I mean it's probably not real but it doesn't hurt to make a new friend.

I always go online saying I have no friends, yet that couldn't be farther from the truth. I also say I'm non-social and hate people, but I guess that's partly true. I mean I do hate people, I like them but they annoy out of me? But I really am social. I love being in the limelight. It gives me a sense of love. But that's not the point right now, I got to stalk "Romeo Beckham" now.

Oh great. It's on private. Why must the world be against me. Okay, not really, but sometimes it takes forever for some to accept requests and I really want to stalk now. I mean I'm here on his page might as well stay on it because I'm too lazy to find it again. Yes, I am lazy. But aren't we all?

Finally, he accepted it. Okay, it has only been 3 minutes... Don't judge me. Time for Instagram stalking. One of my favorite part of the app. I will never admit that out loud but it's true. I believe all who have Instagram have stalked at least one other account in their lifetime.

Aha I feel like a spy. Well, maybe that's because I am kind of spying on him... Anyways, that's not the point. The point is after several times looking over all his posts and comments I decided to comment myself.  I went into his 9th recent photo. It's not too far back where it's weird but not too far forward where most will see it. While I opened up the comments my fingers started to type on their own and before I knew what I had said I sent it.

This was just the beginning.

I hoped you like the first chapter! I'm sorry if it was short, but I promise the others will not. And I hope you find this to be interesting. Also, thanks for reading and please don't forget to comment so things and vote! Until next time my friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2015 ⏰

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