Confused or Puzzled?

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Have you ever wondered weather it is worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place? Honestly I would say it would be worst not to try, I mean everyone makes mistakes and as long as you try your best it shouldn't matter what everyone else thinks. I don't know. Opinions are opinions, facts are facts. You can't really prove which one is worse though so it's all a matter of opinion.

Some people would get confused if they took a look in my mind. Mostly because I only really wonder about the small things that doesn't matter to anyone or anything. Like for instance, instance is used for giving an example or explaining something. Hah. The Irony of that sentence. Also, why do people use the word confused and other people use the word puzzled? Does puzzled just sound classier or something? Whatever it is I always use the word confused. My father uses puzzled. He of course is very sophisticated and that's why I think he only says it to be classy. That word makes me puzzled. I'm a weird bean, don't mind me. Hey that rhymed, I should be a poet. I will get on to that as soon as I get back from the store.

Anyways my life is pretty bland, all there really is to do in this town is hang out with friends, if you don't have friends then you're basically screwed. I am some of the few that don't. I go to school, come home, watch television, eat, sleep. That is all I do with my life. I don't like reading or writing because I get bored way too easily, I don't play any instruments because I hate music, I don't have friends because I have nothing in common with anyone. My parents are still married and live in a simple one story home with me and my brother Landon. Landon is what you would call the complete opposite of me. He loves to write, loves to read, can play the drums and guitar, loves music, and is the most popular guy at our school. He is also my twin. You would all think that I would kill for his life huh? No. Absolutely not. I would dread it. I'm not saying that I'm completely boring, don't get me wrong. I love to go out and party with strangers every once in a while, but I honestly just go for the free booze and on occasion the sex. People at my school think I'm quiet or shy, so I'm not in a classified group like the nerds or the preps, I'm just there. When people try to talk to me I would just flat out ignore them. I've been asked out a few times but I can not stand relationships so I casually decline the offer and be on my way. You could call me a bitch, or a slut for just wanting sex, or a selfish boring twat, but I would still not give a single fuck. The only thing that I could ever care about is my ring. It was my uncles before he died from an asthma attack. I'm not going to get into that though.

"Daisy! I need your help with something." I hear my brother call from a different corridor in the shop. I walk over to the sound of his voice and see him looking at different types of cake mix. "What's up?" I ask even though I already know. "What's moms favorite flavor?" I pick up the strawberry cake mix and hand it to him before going back to where the pickles are. I pick up a jar and head to the basket. "Seriously Dais? That is the third one with in two weeks!" I only laugh and shrug. "Hey at least I don't hide a stash of pickles like you do with pop tarts." I tease with a smirk. He laughs back and shoves me playfully. "Shut up munchkin."
We continue to shop for food and such and once we are all done we head to check out. "That will be 107.32." The cashier claims in a tired British accent. I hand him the card dad gave us and he did all the work. "Have a good day." He greets with a small smile. The first thing I noticed was the tattoo of a cross on his hand. Cute. I thought.

"I swear to Christ if you don't give me the remote back I will rip your dick off!" I yell ready to punch the shit out of Landon. "You won't do crap." He says as he turns off the tv. I let out a small growl as I shoot daggers at him. "Come on! Just go tonight!" He tries to pursue. I groan and fall back on to my bed. "Leave me the Hell alone prick." I close my eyes as I hear the door shut. Finally some peace and qu- "Ah!" I scream as I get pulled off of the bed by my ankles. "Get dressed and pack! Be downstairs in thirty minutes." He says then quickly leaves before I have time to protest. "Ugh!" I yell and stand up. Might as well get it over with.
Landon wants me to go camping with him and some of his friends. He claims that it isn't healthy to just sit at home and do nothing. He also thinks I will make friends which we both know is not true at all. I don't see why he won't just give it a damn rest. I don't need friends in my life to make me happy. Mostly because people annoy the shit out of me. All of them either have divorced parents or listen to crap music or love coffee and books. I'm more of a tea person and I get that I don't know everyone and that some people are actually cool, but I just don't need anyone. I can take care of myself. I know he is worried about me, but he doesn't get that I am completely fine.
Packing was easy cause it's only for a weekend, the hard part was convincing Landon to just let me stay home. You can guess how that turned out.
Now we are on our way to pick everyone up. Only five other people are going. This girl named Alexis, she was in my science class last year and she was a complete party girl. If there was three parties in one night she would go to every single one. She is also Irish so she can hold her liquor pretty damn good. She beat me every time we went against each other in beer pong. You know, when I actually went to a party. Next is a guy named Felix, he is you're typical jock that you see in the movies that everyone hates because he is a major manslut. He cheats on everyone and has sex with anything that has boobs and a vagina. Even if you have the personality of a dumpster and look like trash. Niall is next which happens to be Alexis' younger brother. He plays on the soccer team along with Felix and is possibly the nicest lad in the whole school. He can have a conversation with a branch and I swear the dead leaves on it would come back to life. He is also very hot. The other two people I have no idea about. Landon said that I don't know them so I just left it at that. We are on our way to pick those two up now.

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