[Immortal Love -True Blood] Romance/Wiches/Vampires/Werewolves...

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Highschool is hell, don't let anyone else tell you different. Everyone is persecuted for what the look like, how they act, and what they belive in. You got your jocks and cheerleaders; who practiacally own the school, they get away with everything. Which sucks; I hate favortism. Then you get your over obsessive religuos kids, who hate you if you don't attend church weekly. Their always after me. Then there's the nerds/geeks that just pray they won't get shoved in a locker or get their heads shoved down a toilet. Their's the emo/goths who just try to express themselfs without riducle. In the past kids have labled me as a goth. Just because I wear a lot of black and red dosn't mean anything. We got the trouble makers and the class clowns who thrive on attention. And that just leaves the rest of the kids who just want to survive highschool.

The cheerleaders almost always want to kill me, because the football's quarter back Eric Carter likes me. But I hate him, he's such a jerk; he acts like he owns me. All the jocks worship the ground he walks on. It's pathetic. But it's not bad to have some extra help to get out of jams. My powers often help me in that area, I still have to practice my powers to keep them under control. At times they can become uncontrolable. My dad and mom were witches, well the male witches prefer to be called warlocks, but really it means the same thing as witch. My older brother Nickolus is a warlock, we've never really gotten along, so as soon as our parents funeral was over he left. Our parents were murderd by a werewolf named Gabreil. He killed them for no reason what's so ever. But one day we'll soon cross paths and then he'll pay for what he's done...and that day will be soon.

After the funeral I moved into my Aunt Sara's and Uncle Ben's mansion. They took me in with open arms. I'm currently staying in a huge bedroom with a huge bed, flatscreen TV, sterio, and bathroom. Aunt Sara and Uncle Ben even let me bring my black lab Shadow with me, when I had to move in with them. My parents bought him for my thritheen birthday.

Aunt Sara and Uncle Ben have two son's and a daughter. Jason, Max, and Hope. Jason and Max are both older then me, but Hope is my age. The school we got to si really weird, the grades don't go ninth through twelvth. Kids who really care about their education go into grade thriteen. I know it's werid but it helps you prepare for college. The only good thing about that is you don't have to take it if you don't want to. But Aunt Sara made Jason and Max take it so they would be really extra for college.

We were all sitting in the dinning room, eating our dinner. When Aunt Sara asked, "So Juliet how was your first day back at school?

"Fine." I said

Really that's not what I heard." Jason said smiling evily.

Oh boy here we go.

"And what did you hear, Jason?"

"I heard a locker door hit Eric straight in the face."

"Oh the poor dear, is he going to be alright?" Aunt Sara asked worridly.

"I don't know why don't you ask Juliet, She was right there when it happend. So how did it happen, after all you were standing there when it hit Eric."

"Jason." Max and Hope said simotamiously.

"What? I'm just curious to know how it happend."

"Who knows, it must of been the wind." I said annoyed.

"The wind? On a hot summer day...inside the school?" Jason asked in disbelif.

"Well that's the weather for you, so unprdictable."

"That's B.S, and you know it! You used your little magic tricks on him!" Jason nearly yelled, "Just admit it."

"No he's not. You should be lucky that he even pays attention to you. He could have any girl in the school, but no he's stuck on you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2011 ⏰

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