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Gentle Showers

Author's Note: Happy Valentine's to everyone! Hope you can enjoy this... 1827 forever! *feeling lonely at home with no potential date*

On with the story!

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

It was the worst stroke of luck Tsuna ever had. He spent the entire month slaving away to make those chocolates especially for the 14th of February and the Gods must really hate him.

One moment the weather was fine. The next thing he knew, he was forced to remain at home because of a typhoon approaching. School was cancelled and Tsuna locked himself in his room for the whole day. Not even Reborn's usual teasing can make the boy snap out of his gloominess.

"Hibari-san must be so disappointed. I made this less sweet too... what a waste. Should I throw it away? He didn't specifically ask me to make anything either..."

The dark clouds above Tsuna's forehead thickened and the boy slumped dangerously close to depression.

The brunet stared at the box in his hands. It was wrapped expertly by nimble fingers in delicate purple cloth that had taken him weeks to embroider. The plasters on his fingers reminded him of every thread he wove to create the design of Hibird and Rolls.

Contrary to his image, Hibari loved adorable creatures. He had a soft spot for them which made it possible for the aloof skylark and the brunet to be together. Tsuna felt terrible. He did not want to appear weak or adorable in any way. He was a male for crying out loud!

Tears collected at the side of Tsuna's large chocolate eyes. Hibari always towers a head over him, his shadow often protecting the petite brunet's frame. It wasn't fair. Tsuna choked back tears and wiped them away roughly. The first drops of rain were already making themselves known.

The concrete pavement had dark spots that slowly increased. Before Tsuna could blink, the whole pavement had been drenched and not a dry spot could be seen. The rain pelted down mercilessly and Tsuna pitied the flowers. They must be in so much pain.

He looked down once more at the box of chocolates in his hands. Fingers brush gently against the cloth. A small sad smile embraced his cherubic features. "If only it didn't rain today..."

The typhoon was raging outside. Even if Tsuna grabbed an umbrella to find Hibari, he probably wouldn't make it very far. The water levels are rising and many things that were not properly tied down or stored could be seen floating in the streets.

The trees bent to the will of the strong winds and some smaller ones had been uprooted. Tsuna watched from the safety of his room at the merciless storm and despaired. It was supposed to be a day that he confessed to Hibari but the storm ruined it all.

Tsuna sighed heavily. "So much for all the preparations..."

He was about to leave the room when he heard something tapping at the glass of his window. Tsuna frowned and turned around.


Shock was an understatement when Tsuna dashed to get the windows open. Hibari looked like a soaked puppy. Water pooled around his feet quickly but Tsuna could only fuss on having Hibari get to the bath.

Hibari found himself stripping while Tsuna hastily prepared the hot water. He watched the brunet scramble around the room in search of a towel and some suitable clothes for him. Honestly, it wasn't even a big deal. He merely ran across the town in the rain while borrowing walls and rooftops because the streets were flooded but the brunet did not need to know that.

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