Chaptaer One

20 0 0

Troy is typing.......


Tyler is typing.....

Hi long time no talk?

Troy is typing.......

I know we haven't spoken since playlist!! What's up?

Tyler is typing.......

Nothing much!


Troy is typing.......


Tyler is typing......

I haven't been able to stop thinking that kiss 🙈

Troy is typing......

The kiss right?

Tyler is typing.......

You know that kiss we had at the party at playlist

Troy is typing......

I'm sorry I don't seem to

Tyler is typing......

Oh okay I have to go speak some other time

Troy is typing......

I'm sorry Tyler

4 days later......

Troy is typing.....

Hey Tyler 🐯

Tyler is typing......

Hey Troy Tyler is in the shower would you like me to give him a message.

Connor x

Troy is typing......

Oh don't worry!

Acc don't even tell him I messaged

Tyler is typing......

Okay see you vidcon in a couple off weeks!

Connor x

Troy is typing.......

Yeah sure thing

1 Month Later

Tyler is typing......

5 days till vidcon are you excited!!

Troy is typing......

Yeah I am

Tyler is typing......


Troy is typing.......

Tyler I think I love you! I do remember that kiss but I didn't think you felt the same way and now I see you with Connor and it break me into to millions of pieces and I hate it I really hate it come back to me!

Shit I said to much!

I'm a idiot

Tyler is typing.....

Connor asked me to marry him

Troy is typing......


What are you gonna say?

Tyler is typing......

Well until yesterday I was gonna say yes but then I saw the picture of us at Zoe's and well I fell in love again !! I wanna marry you not Connor!!

Troy is typing......

The best thing I ever heard 💖

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