I just got my cast off, and I am so excited to be able to type again! I have had this idea for a century lol, and I could not wait to publish it:D I hope you like, and feel free to drop a comment, vote, or even comment what you think should happen next or what I should do differently. Thanks!
He sits in the big black chair only he is allowed to sit in, leaned back and his hands are folded into a ball together. His chin is leaning on his hands, and his elbows are resting on the brown oak wood desk. He clears his throat, shifts his gaze from the window to me, making eye contact. I shiver and look away. His hands move to the drawer, and as he opens it makes a loud creak like it always does. He pulls out a yellow freshly sharpened pencil with a perfect pink eraser at the end. Again he clears his throat, and looks at the clock behind me. He opens his mouth as if to say something, closes it, and then opens it again. “So, Miss. Andrews. Miss Adriana Andrews,” He says with a deep voice. “Again you have been sent to my office.” I nod. “And again you have violated the school rules. Here at Fayetteville Middle School our motto is, say it with me,” I sigh and say, “Listen to yourself, listen to others, but all that comes second to listening to the school rules.” I lean back in my chair, hoping he will just let me go. But he won’t, at least not for another thirty minutes.
“Thank you,” He growls, clearly not thankful. But why should I care? No one can figure him out. “Mrs. Hencence sent you here. You know that, though. I know what you did, but can you tell me what and explain why for me please?”
I tap my foot, really annoyed. “I threw a desk across the room” I grumble.
“Why?” He asks.
“Because,” I state.
“Because why? If you don’t tell me your punishment may be worse than it has to be.”
“Because class was boring,” I manage to get out.
“It was not because of that, a student is in the nurse right now waiting for her mom to get her and take her to the doctor. Can you let me know, please?” He taps his perfect pencil against the desk.
“Yes, I threw it at Avery. Can we please get over it?” I’m getting madder and madder by the second hand ticking away at the clock, and if I have to stay in here another minute I will scream!
But he won’t let me go yet. “Why?”
Use your coping skills, my mother used to tell me when I was mad. Take a deep breath in through your nose, out through your mouth. I suck in a deep breath of fresh air, then open my mouth and let it all out. This doesn’t work, so I try it again. In, out, in, out, I try it so many times and it never worked. The principal is just watching me, waiting for an answer while he taps his pencil. I squeeze my hands together as I say my answer.
And that’s how I lose my life.
Ok, what do you think? Again, feel free to drop a suggestion/vote/comment below. Thanks for reading!